DDR savages 80 year old man for being bad at baseball

1  2021-03-30 by JimieWhales


Gems such as "We developed American vaccines by an American President" and " In a fake interview.." like what was it CGI?. Ah trump. Never change old man, never change.

Jesus christ now he's longposting. This is why he needs to be on Twitter. He's way better when he can insult someone using on 280 characters.

Finally, Dr Birx says she can't hear well but I can.

I miss him so much :/

There’s a zero percent chance he wrote this himself

I would agree with this.

It's hilariously odd because you can clearly tell it's one of his signature senile rants but also heavily edited. It's like 5-star restaurant beef wellington containing mad cow disease

If I were a career republican politician I would be seething 24/7 know that this man has my party by the balls.

Scaramucci is and I think he is planning on turning the party around. Most likely divide it so you have republican party for Americans, and then you have the losers for trump and his degenerates.

That's a hilarious level of misunderstanding concerning who wields power in the Republican Party. DDR owns it and will continue to own it.

There was some left wing media hope that something like that would happen, but it all collapsed awhile ago now.

Well than that sucks.

Nah, its way more fun this way.

But in all seriousness, I'm curious about something. Is the the sort of take you see in Canadian media or is it stuff you've picked up from Reddit? Just curious what news is like up there.

I don't understand how it's fun this way. I also don't understand what your curious about. Can you please clarify the latter?

I don't understand how it's more fun

Trump in control of the Republican Party keeps the fighting and drama escalating.

I don't understand what you're curious about

I'm curious where takes like yours come from. I'm asking if it is what is being said on Canadian news.

I don't really watch the news. I think my perspective is just based on my accumulated experience until now. For instance I use to be very liberal, but I now have conservative positions too. I also am very skeptical about people that preach. A general rule of thumb which proves true time and time again is this "Beware the preachers for they do not believe in what they preach. -C. Bukowski. "

Fair enough, thanks for the info.

No worries man you have a good day.

Never change, daddy 😍

We developed American vaccines by an American President

This MF thinks he made the vaccines.

"I had an uncle who went to MIT who is a top professor. Dr. John Trump. A genius. It’s in my blood. I’m smart.”

He's smart, he had an uncle at MIT. Show me your source saying he didn't make the vaccines.

that german company only produced the best vaccine out of spite for our poppop he still gets credit

Who can forget when Dr. Birx gave a huge mandate to the people of our Nation to not travel, and then traveled a great distance to see her family for Thanksgiving - only to have them call the police and turn her in?

Is this real? If so, lmao.


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Hard to tell tbh.

As far as I can tell it's bullshit:

There is no report that anyone in Birx’s family called the police. We reached out to Trump’s office for their source and did not hear back.

The AP said the sister of Birx’s son-in-law brought the matter forward. Slate reported that the sister tipped off the AP and is estranged from the family. The AP said the woman acknowledged there was "family friction."

Someone ratted her out to the AP and Trump thought it was the police.

Even if only the part that she traveled is true after telling everyone not to is just so... liberal elite. Newsom eating out with his cronies after shutting down dining, Pelosi getting her hair done at a shut down salon. Rules for thee and not for me.

With DDR gone, world feels a lot calmer.

Nature is healing 🙏🙏🙏