One Redditor explains how the future will be autistic without realising his present is already autistic. Pretty sure that entire sub is a honeypot.

1  2021-03-30 by busslordlowkeybussin


Are everyone's rightoids like this, or is burgerstan just special?

Literally every conservative is like this. Most are just quieter.

There are regional differences but for the most part yeah, all rightoids are like this. The reason why burger rightoids seem to have lost the plot recently is because of DDR’s meteoric rise and fall. The rise made them feel like they didn’t need to hide how they felt anymore and the fall caused them to become unhinged. Its going to get even wacky once 2024 rolls around.

I'm in Europe (Spain), and no. Not that they're better. Their conspiracy theories are a bit less prevalent, and centered on other stuff anyways. Also, never heard lolbertarian concepts like "statism" or anyone being able to bear arms.

They complain about the disintegration of the family, lack of respect for the catholic church, queers trying to normalize their behaviors, immigrants stealing jobs or wallets, feminists overreaching, not being able to have laissez-faire capitalism... But their main complaint is that Catalans still exist.

Honestly I have complaints that the Catalans still exist too.

Lolbertarians don't seem to be popular in Europe, historical European always seem to have strong governments. Maybe besides some of the city states

This has less to do with rightoidsm and more to do with the fact American conservatism has fully merged into the conspiracy world.

Most people are conspiracy theorists to some extent and suppress it.

What happens when your political leaders create a permission structure by endorsing said conspiracism is you end up with weird political cults like this and the mainstreaming of figures like Alex Jones and the like.

Fringe American conservatism has always been flirting with some really unhinged conspiracy bullshit (see akrancide and the drama of the 1990s.)

But as time went on and the establishment GOP started leaning more and more on creating a siege mentality within the conservative base the conspiracism started to fully take over the party.

This culminated in a very unhinged Donald Trump beating a bunch of very serious Republicans in a primary, against the will of the establishment.

A TL;DR might be the conservative establishment played with fire and lost control of said fire.

Seriously pizza, I don't come to rdama to read your essays.

I hope, HOPE, that I don't live to see it.


Mental asylum again when? Seemed to work well in the past

Where is the drama?


Post hit a little too close to home?

Blatant rightoid agendapost: comments are all mocking the subject. Leftoids in the thread heavily downvoted

Blatant Leftoid agendapost: 50/50 split between mocking the subject and rightoids asking “where is the drama”

There is like 3 rightoids on drama including me and I don't post agenda. You're such a whiny bitch if this is what you think is true

Lmao poor little leftoid feels attacked. 🤣🤣🤣



Lol no in fact I looked at the front page of the sub for maybe some actual context only to find the post is like 2 months old.

I usually tell these whiney doomers to fuck off.

This is why satire is dead

have you seen a diverse civilisation thrive last 150 years

Lmao Ottomancels checked hard

That sub is one of the best subs on Reddit what are you talking about

Your comment makes me think you made the sub.

Maybe I did 😏

I'm still waiting for you to make a love4ghislainemaxwell sub. You know you want collect those salty tears.

On a less insane note I lost my job a few months ago, went to a shrink and got diagnosed ( with autism and ADHD (along with a 129 IQ), and since then a lot more stuff has been making sense. A common symptom of undiagnosed ADHD is excessive shitposting and drama seeking to the detriment of your personal growth and ability to maintain relationships or get ahead at work (or in my case keep a job). As Pizza said, there's literally no better feeling than BTFOing retards online (I can't find it, so maybe it was on pizzashill v1, but here's a consolation prize, and the frantic (almost compulsive) search for academic or journalistic sources really taps into both the autism and ADHD.

ADHD impairs executive function, and it's not that you can't focus, it's that you can't choose what to focus on ( Imagine if you could just log off and learn to code or something instead of going on a two hour search for the best and most complete arguments on how and why Orange Man Bad in some particular way(or whatever drama of the day is going on).

I've come to a sense (which may just be pure protection), that the entire internet is not only infested with autism (every fucking knows that and it's unironically a good thing. Death to all normies, reeee), but undiagnosed and untreated ADHD. And, as many others have pointed out, many sites are almost designed to exploit these kinds of people and addict them.

I should probably seek therapy and try drugs, and if you are reading this you probably should too.

As a side note, I got my job back, so I'm fine.

Edit: my autism/adhd has compelled me to waste the last hour searching for links to some of pizzashills greatest hits. Let me know if anyone else remembers a time when pizza came out and said that dunking on retarded internet users was literally the greatest feeling on earth and post an archive link.

I can't take the drugs because Adderall suppresses my apatite and I'm skinny enough already so I have to use coping mechanisms. They're not as effective. I wish I could take the drugs

So the anti-lockdown sub just turned into railing against diversity and jews? Don't know what I expected tbh

I heard this was the new sub for rightoids freaking out.