High value, easily resellable goods to target in next round of Minnesota looting?

1  2021-03-31 by Llamayoda

Look, I’ve just got this gut feeling that papí Chauvin is gonna be acquitted for oping big Floyd. I’m thinking of taking a trip to the twin cities to see if I can’t make a quick buck or two. I’m looking for easily resellable, high value, easy to carry goods. I think I’m gonna target either trading cards or Legos, maybe both. Both have big resell markets and are easy to evaluate value wise.

Any suggestions?


Magic Cards.

No one is gonna get those. Just get shopping carts full of booster packs and resell them for 90 to 100 dollars in a few states/cities over (that is what they retail for, but 90 to 100 dollars will get you plenty of buyers over amazons shitty 105 to 110 per box). Also a new MTG expac is coming out, so do try to time your looting around pre-release, collectors editions, and real release. https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/card-image-gallery/strixhaven

Make liberal manchildren reap what they sow, and you profit!

They're about to drop a new booster with wandshit themed cards. It's guaranteed profit

Im just pissed that the Kaldheim expac looked cool but its literally all BIPOC vikangz.

Like if I got an arabian expac, I want arabian stereotypes. If it was a Jungle themed expac, Aztec me up daddy and sacrifice my bussy to Inca sun god whatever, but whatever, I consider myself a libtard just tired of fuckign idpol and shieeeeeet

thanks for reading my rant

If you wanted to upset everyone reveal that the reason they're all BIPOC is that the Vikings successfully destroyed an advanced Africanish civilization and took so many slaves back with them it changed the ethnic makeup of the country.

Based. Buying 3 boosters with my stimmy buxx now

"That's horrible!"

"Of course it is. At what point did you forget that Vikings are violent raping slave trading pillaging pirates?"

I feel ya. Doesn’t help that the sets mechanics weren’t super interesting either, and the power level was not the best outside of one or two cards.

I think the new set will be a huge boost to snow mechanics. It's literally wintertime Hogwarts shit.

I don’t think there’s been any snow mechanics spoiled in strixhaven so far, mainly just the spell slinging stuff, snow was the big theme last set.

Lol I wouldn't know because I don't read spoilers on cardshit, do you already have your deck premade lmao?

Eh, I like to look at them, it’s a good side hobby for making some friends and money.

Be careful with smart phones. Last summer Apple was able to remotely brick a good portion of the ones that were looted

That said, consider opportunities away from the limelight and competition of the front lines. Here are my recs:

  • Catalytic converters: every car has one and they have a 3 figure scrap value. On Priuses and certain generations of other Toyota sedans, it can be pulled off from underneath with a pair of pliers, you don't even have to get the hood up.

  • Bikes: these require more connections to be worthwhile, but if you have a pair of bolt cutters and a light duty truck or cargo van, you can make decent money taking every bike that isn't u-locked down, driving them across state lines, and then chopping them and selling them for scrap or parts. The catch here is that you have to know someone in Madison or Iowa or wherever who's bent enough to fence obviously stolen bike parts, but there's very little the local pigs can or will do about it once you leave MN. Especially if everything's on fire

  • Legos is a really good idea, that's probably the best consumer good if you do choose to go that route

  • What about stamps? I don't know how to move them, but they're essentially limited use but inflation-proof legal tender. A roll of 100 stamps from the grocery store or kinkos is worth like $50

For stamps just use Ebay, I highly doubt anyone would suspect you're stealing something so ridiculous.



Alternative: Don't be a poorcel.

Pharmaceuticals obviously. If rioters were smart, every CVS would be ransacked before Best Buy.

I imagine most pharmacies have some more advanced anti-intrusion measures - every one around me has some metal doors or a metal window that can be rolled over the window, only other access point is thru a metal door.


This is Minn**polis, though, so who knows. You're right if it's viable for access.

Every pharmacy I know has a counter inside that you can talk to the pharmacist over.

Even if it had metal doors, that doesn't mean shit in a riot. I don't think thermite is even illegal.

I can think of no negative consequences to lighting thermite in broad daylight

You might get too much pussy from being the thermite Chad.

I'd wipe the cvs clean of Adderall and oxy. And I wouldn't sell them either.

Imagine how great your posts would be.

Lol the mods removed the post and your comment. Like any of us were really going to leave the house and haul our fat asses to a riot.

I knew this was a stim friendly sub but I'm still surprised we have multiple bright minds suggesting using the opportunity of disorder to steal catalytic converters like a couple of tweakers.

Tweakers are superior to dramatards in every way

pick up some ps5s and join the love for scalpers and making man babies cry

It also has the advantage of being legal.

If you are a non mayo then steal a mayo and enslave them. Think about it, free labor for life.

It's what George Floyd would have wanted ✊✊

Probably jewellery.

Funko Pops and PS5.

Phones, obviously. Specifically latest iPhones and Samsung Galaxy S series, since they're well known, thus easy to resell, expensive, so you'd make good money, and this year none of them include chargers so the boxes are tiny.

Steal catalytic converters. Easy and high value.

Honestly, being autistic enough to watch the trial so far, I think he might get it for the manslaughter and maybe even third degree charge. If so, the second degree charge will probably be a hung trial.

What would be REAL drama is if they riot anyways even if they get two out of the three charges successfully.

Theft is a sin.