Gather around Dramanauts, as I regale you with my wild encounter with a marvelcel

1  2021-04-01 by __TIE_Guy


Dude you don't look that great in this. You realize that right?

who cares if he got the guy to sperg out hard enough to give himself a seizure.

Read all of it. They say they were trolling him.

i'd believe that if his post didn't come off as so desperately "I was only pretending to care" Like all he had to do was just drop a few lines saying I was just fucking with you. Instead he writes another half novel bringing up some weird shit that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

My only point is at least he generated some drama /shrug

lol, looks like the deleted his account. I maintain the other guy is likely just as full of shit and spergy but now we know for sure OP sperged the hardest.

You gotta get down in the dirt to create drama content, it's not pretty work

He's right though, Marvel bends over backwards to be woke. It's actually been one of the few actual examples of "get woke, go broke" because their comic sales went to shit. DC actually gained a ton of ground with Rebirth because they shifted to a fan service model, though I think they ended up veering away from that. (I haven't checked back in on comics in a few years)

And anime definitely isn't proof that being more woke brings in fans. There's a reason the right wing loves anime and I finally figured it out when I was playing rightoid last year.

When you're a straight white male rightoid, pretty much everything Hollywood puts out now is dunking on you. They flock to anime because it's the only kind of media that isn't telling them to go fuck themselves.

EDIT: But, on further inspection, you did make that SRDine REEE and I laughed.

pretty much everything Hollywood puts out now is dunking on you

Pretty pathetic to worry about Hollywood's opinion of yourself. Be a fucking man about it.

You can't expect them to want to watch things that insult them.

Sure, but neither should they get their panties in a pretzel.

I'm not sure I follow.

Try watching any action movie when you are Russian AND German. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I deserve this.


Do Russians produce a fair amount of domestic media? I read somewhere once that Russia was one of the better languages to learn because there were tons more books and stuff written in Russian that were never translated than in other languages.

I should post my encounter with you not knowing shit about the NFL and why Kaep sucks

don't tell me this dude thinks Kaep is good and got bounced from the league because of cOlLuSiOn

Kaep so good he skipped his try outs cuz he had nothing to prove.

I'm pretty sure this dude doesn't think at all.

The " I disagree and I do not want to debate any further" one?


Click on title.

I'm afraid the jannies will have to smite this for not blurring the offendedcels name πŸ˜”

They already smited my dumb looting post

Flash drives And sd cards btw.

πŸ˜• We will miss you.

Lmao @ the 🐟 trying to get Hodor to rslur wrangle you. I hate those goddam fishes and will always agendapost against them.

You guys rly don't know how to troll capeshitters.

Hey Tie, why did you start shit in a 20 day old thread and then post it here? You trying to get the sub banned?

Yup and he left out the part where he threw a fit and said he reported them. Like I said at 1st before I dug deeper he doesn't come off looking good at all in this. Looking deeper and the stuff he left out he comes off even worse. Who knows wtf he deleted.

Lmao good work on getting this guy to aggressively essaypost πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say β€œdude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. Gather around Dramanauts, as I rega... -,*

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