The day of the rake is commenced on 4chan

1  2021-04-01 by muffler_kek

You can report someone for being Canadian lol


That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. The day of the rake is commenced on... -,*

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Finally. Truly a day of celebration on 4chan. Now if only Reddit did the same thing, except for SRDines instead.


Is there a reason for it besides Canadians being disgusting.

Yeah curling

4chan celebrating april fool's. nice.

This is my first 4chan april fools and I have to say it's unbearably boring and unfunny


Imagine not eagerly awaiting the day of the rake.

The only problem is it seems the leafs get to return quite quickly.

The candy flavors and mixed boards were funnier

Team Peanut Butter 💪

Leafs have reduced the level of political discourse throughout the English speaking Internet. It would unironically be a better world across the board without them, because they blend in with Americans while being incredibly ignorant about America.