You guys find it weird that the only time Reddit does anything to subreddit mods is when running defense for pedophiles?

1  2021-04-01 by adminsare55IQ

Makes you think.


Any interruption in the furry > diaper > pedo > mod > admin employment pipeline would be disastrous for the future of the company.

I've actually learned of a powerful new tool in the fat ass internet Jannie arsenal today.

When you violate no rules they can actually ban you for, they ban you for "trolling" which is vague enough to allow them to classify any and all wrong-think as "trolling."

I'm serving a ban in the politcs sub for saying black and white thinking is a sign of immaturity. Apparently the mods consider that an insult.

Oh hon, you know that it's only White thinking that's a sign of immaturity. Do better.



I got banned for using cuck sarcastically to make fun of a rightoid.

"But sarcasm on the internet!"

In ambiguous context, maybe, but this was a sharpened spear thrown at the heart of a rightoid and dripping. I appealed it and they muted me. This was before cucks were a protected class on the sub too.

Sounds poetic.

Or they do what NL mods do with "bad faith"

Sometimes I think you’re really smart pizza and then I read your “is water wet” threads like this and I’m reminded of your flair

> it's another, "pizza smugposting" thread

Hey, he needs his validation hour, cmon. He doesn't get those from "winning" debates anymore.

Is this a new libertarian moderator scandal, or are we still talking about the new hire capitulation from so very long ago?

Depends on how you look at it. The current stuff is the outgrowth of the old libertarian drama, kind of. Just a different libertarian.

Was this the libertarian artist mod who drew infant mammals?

Or has something new happened this week?

I mean that's not really even true. The very first major time they brought the banhammer down was for arr jailb*it. They had a very hands off policy before.


I don't find it weird for them actually.

The Admins struck him down for telling the truth.

Pizza deleted another account?