Niche internet autism club catfight

1  2021-04-01 by Funkyduffy

🏴‍☠️/SneerClub is a subreddit specifically dedicated to whining about the """rationalist community""", probably best known to the public by two of their ""thought leaders"": Scott Alexander and Eliezer Yudkowsky. A Common complaint is that they will listen to fashy 🚆sbians instead of screeching and contacting the FBI.

for example:

Given that liminal_warmth is a chaos magician who believes in cryptozoology to some degree, I conclude that the extremes of postrationalism do veer towards the sort of irrationalism sympathetic to the far right. Elements of the pseudo-libertarian techbro postrationalist subset, like Roon, do endorse fascist-adjacent/NRX ideas, but the group as a whole includes anti-natalists like Sarah Perry of Every Cradle is a Grave, the diehard neoliberal Venkatesh Rao (who refuses to acknowledge Scooter is a racist) and others whose bliefs. It's a mixed bag overall, although a subset most definitely does use "postrational" as a marker for antirational (heh) fascist sympathies.

One of the members of the "community" has found this salt specifically mentioning her, and posts it to twatter:

grumpy antifa supersoldier is making screeeeposts in 🏴‍☠️/sneerclub right now since he's seen tbhe post


I wonder what badphil/sneerclub people look like IRL One of their profile pics. Got that crooked crazy eye going

Your average pathetic feminist

Sneerclub is actually shitty, broken, unironically evil people.

what makes them evil?

Bullying Scott Aaronson for that comment, among many other things.

It is my belief that humans naturally have the mirror propensities to empathize and enjoy the happiness of friends and the suffering of enemies. Which propensities grow stronger when exercised. In this framework I don't think I need to justify anything besides pointing at the obvious fact that the Sneerclub community is all about enjoying suffering of enemies, and the kind of human it produces.

It's not about their beliefs or anything, they simply are a community of very shitty human beings. You go there, you smell shit. Everything else is a commentary.

hmm, so a bit like /r/drama huh

A bit, yes. It takes a shit connoisseur to tell the difference between different kinds of shit!

People here are generally having fun and enjoying themselves and the company (even the Lanius!). People there are bitter losers commiserating together.

And sardines are non-humans on the other side of the equation. So terrified of even being in the same comment section as an undesirable. The real reason they don't allow pinging, tbh. It'd be like a gorilla petting zoo in their minds.

Agreed. SneerClub is just your average leftard finding things to make themselves angry.

Given that liminal_warmth is a chaos magician who believes in cryptozoology to some degree, I conclude that the extremes of postrationalism do veer towards the sort of irrationalism sympathetic to the far right. Elements of the pseudo-libertarian techbro postrationalist subset, like Roon, do endorse fascist-adjacent/NRX ideas, but the group as a whole includes anti-natalists like Sarah Perry of Every Cradle is a Grave, the diehard neoliberal Venkatesh Rao (who refuses to acknowledge Scooter is a racist) and others whose bliefs. It's a mixed bag overall, although a subset most definitely does use "postrational" as a marker for antirational (heh) fascist sympathies.

Imagine trying to read this and not realising "you know what, this shit's stupid and not worth the effort of trying to parse what the fuck is being said"

Dungeons & Dragons and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

is this written in english