Twitch streamers are sick of being shamed for playing on easy

1  2021-04-02 by westphall


They could have just said w*men

female-presenting streamers

This is just proof that transitioning works

If you've ever seen a speedrun video than you'd know what t girls make the best gaymers. They're probably just losing on purpose to try to fit in with their new gender

Speed running isn't about difficulty, it's about being willing to play exactly the same game a million times. It selects for autis, and so does training.

EXCUSE ME, but EVERYONE should be allowed to play games at a level that brings them the most joy.

Except for people who stream it for attention and shit etc. You've basically bend yourself over backwards begging for public scrutiny at that point so please just shut the fuck up. Honestly I don't care if your a wxm, a mxn, a functional quadriplegic, or a joe rogan podcast listener, just play the damn game. If you suck at it then I will be forced to continue my life long addiction to never watching people play fucking games.

Easy mode should just be called girl mode.

Get good

Yikes sweaty

You can play normal mode and not have bang your head on the desk difficulty lol

A non-disabled person could, but this was probably covered by the same person at polygon who couldn't finish the Doom 2016 tutorial.

Anyone who plays video g*mes, on any difficulty, should be shamed mercilessly.

And being shamed mercilessly leads to being a g*mer. The circle of life is a beautiful thing.

How else am I supposed to directly compete with my fellow man if not via street fighter?

By comparing sexual stamina by group masturbation.

No speedruns?

I prefer a more gentlemanly, one-on-one style of bloodsport.

Mounting bussy, but keep track of the number of thrusts in 5-minute intervals. Do it like Boxing: if someone isn't out by the end of 12 rounds, the guy with the higher number wins.


To be fair if you actually interact with your chat or are a big streamer and react to donations and have a double digit IQ I could see it being harder to focus

Talking to a Tw*tch user? 🤮🤮🤮

Gotta get those para social relationships going in order to get the neets to cough up the neetbux

I watch this one chick drop at least $3k per day in this one streamers pocket.

I watch

Yikes sis

I know I'm so ashamed. The day drama died, I went looking for a replacement gay daddy and I landed on twitch.

meanwhile fighting game players are fucking streaming and thanking and chatting while basically playing the piano

That's because talented people exist but they're not always social enough. Shroud, pestily, and a few others are both good at games and capable of human interaction.

Chat in streams is asinine. Why even try to get a word in among 10,000 other losers trying to get a word in? It's like reading movie credits on 200% speed.

Counterpoint: imagine chatstreams and donation fallouts during the Chauvin trial.

sucks to suck

G*mers must be bullied, so commands Yakub!

Jesus Christ, shut up and play games, morons. No one cares how good you think you are, we will be the judge of that, and your opinion doesn't matter. That's literally what you signed up for.

canadian hag

These people are a disgrace,this is why men deserve all the top spots.

I'm still baffled that there is an entertainment industry surrounding watching someone shittily play a game and pretending to be your friend for "bits."

And it doesnt just exist in the USA either but in asian countries too.

What loneliness plague are these losers suffering from?

The rise of twitch and e sports In general made me realize I have aged out of trends.

It's very true. Twitch was not made for my demographic.

Literal bicentennial baby here and I honestly get almost all trends and new forms of entertainment. This and e sports nope I just don't see it.

Watching CSGO tourneys are actually pretty fun if you're into the game

E sports has always made sense to me. If you like playing a game there's no reason you wouldn't like watching the ultimate no lifers throwing down with something at stake. Twitch though? Yeah no clue.

Exploiting autism for commercial gain.

The only good streamers are the few who refuse to stop playing to read the mouthbreathers in chat.

They could play on easy, it just doesn't make the stream worth watching anyway.

Eeh? Easy modo?

KH3.... A game so fucking difficult, my 6 year old fucking beat it on the hardest mode (when it released). Seriously this game was so fucking poorly balanced, you could win the majority of the fights by just mashing x and then using the stupid fucking disney rides.

She has to put it in easy so she could parse the story? The story was trash, but even then it was spoonfed to you in between worlds, in sections that had no gameplay whatsoever.

isn't that every jrpg?

i'm assuming 'stupid fucking disney rides' is basically a summon, like ifrit or something

No, they just randomly pop up to use, and you are invulnerable while using them, and you do a shitton of damage to the boss. You can basically just run around and heal yourself anytime you get low, and wait for the stupid disney bullshit to proc, and then dunk on the boss with it.

They were terrible, because when they popped up they were always the "best" option to use, because you are invulnerable while they are up, and they do a ton of damage. But they were super silly looking, and took forever to get through.

lol I forgot about that! That's true. It was easy to win. I hated the storyline too because I never played the apps so didn't know half of the characters.

Even if you knew the characters, the story was still trash. It became so insanely convoluted and dumb, it was impossible to care.

The next souls game should have an easy mode toggle that detects whether or not you're streaming or recording and doubles the difficulty.

The OG Demons Souls had a mechanic where every time you died, the world turned "darker" ie the game became even tougher. I love it.

Twitch really is something special.

I've never seen a video that so perfectly captured the SRDine essence, even down to the weirdly violent way to describe banning someone from her channel. I hate everything about this woman-child.

The SRDine mindset is not only in SRDines, it only makes you more likely to be one

she can't even curse correctly. Like, her tone was annoying, but sharp and feisty and if she would have continued through it would have sounded like a reprimand but she completely dropped the ball on the fbomb. SHUT THE fughhhhck UP. WHY?

She sounds like a 9 year old who just learned his first bad word

She should take her nasal medication and stop bitching about being bad at video games on twitter

lol git gud, pleb

Getting paid money to play video games is playing life on easy.

True but you also have to live with yourself

I understand it for kingdom hearts (🤢) but other games do not get a pass

What are they talking about?

There's no difficulty option on subway surfers.

Is she an actual elusive woman(female) gamer? Tslurs react to the difficulty slider like a pitbull to a stick resembling a baby, their jaws literally lock up.

Elusive is not the female gamer.

Elusive is the female gamer who doesn't stream on Tw*tch

White women, every fucking time.

Remember when the only steamers people gave a shit about were Shroud because his hand-eye coordination is freak athlete talented and Dr. Disrespect because he's actually entertaining?

