Bookcels debate the essentialness of useless small book stores

1  2021-04-02 by Osterion

Arrh books might be the most loathsome sub outside of the srdine cannery. Follow the eyes, sort by contriversal, and see for yourself.


Not everyone has smartphones or even mobile phones.

Fucking Jitterbugs are smart phones these days lmao imagine being/thinking this poor

This is a good post and all, but what are using Jitterbug for these days?

Can you reword this in nonretard?

I misread. I thought you were using Jitterbug as some kind of slur. As in "fucking Jitterbugs have smartphones."

Sorry, I'm hungover.

Excuse me, but I think you have to write it like J-slur.

Jealous over here in the states. I miss the roads being empty and everyone staying the fuck home

Covid doomers lmao

I can sympathize because my favorite pirate site got blocked by my ISP and I have no idea how a VPN works

They were already paying for books. They just don't want to order them online cuz it stops them from feeling special

Imagine not pirating books from #bookz IRC channel.

That means downloading and rooting through some kind stranger's entire library for maybe that one book 😒

Imagine not being able to ctlr-F through a 10 to 50 megabyte plaintext index file, get a real text editor grandpa. (holy shit I didn't realize they have that many books 😳)

Or are you confusing the IRC hustle with something like usenet?

I was just complaining like a boomer. #bookz was one of my favorite places like eight years ago, still got stuff I haven't read from there

Like, did you hang out with people there? Now I feel like a redditor upon discovering that imgur has a community.

No, but there was a chitchat channel at the time.

I will never use IRC. I will NEVER use IRC.

Cool story, bro.


Yeah, it was one of those

Pirate sites generally have mirrors if you just search for it

> rrrbooks

> have u guise heard of this great book call 1984? So true!

I read flowers for Algernon and it broke me 😭😭😭

Um idiot try reading Animal Farm!!!

That's my second-favorite instruction manual by Mr. Orwell.

For fucking real. Holy shit, I expected a subreddit full of book readers to be more intelligent. I bet so many people agreeing with this also give shit to religious people for demanding churches be considered essential.


Arr books is a good example of why gatekeeping is sometimes a good thing. Over half the people in that sub read nothing but YA and it shows

Did you just...? 😡 Excuse me..did you just Imply that Brandon Sanderson, award winning author of Mistborn and The StormLight Archive is a young adult writer? His books are very mature and the deep character of Kaladin is an enigma to children.

Yes and so is Stephen King 😎

Rage was a real inspiration to a generation of young men

Pretty sure at least half of them only 'read' on audio book, which is like watching a movie by reading its novelization

I hope one day to be as much of a complete pseud as you

It's hard not to sound like I'm talking down to you if you're just...y'know, down there. Down is where some things are.

Reading is an active and engaged experience. The chief educational value of reading anything other than non-fiction is learning new words.

How do you do that when you're just passively letting it all blow past you, like the scenery in the car you're likely driving at the same time?

The Iliad and other epics were originally purely oral. It is highly likely Homer himself delivered his stories orally before he decided, for whatever gay reason, to become a total nerd and write that shit down. You saying they're not engaging and active experiences? I say it's time to bend over and let me show you my Greek ways.

They are if you were actively engaged in said experience with the person you are learning from and witnessing with all of your attention, which students and teachers of the oral tradition were and you and your little cassette player are not. No matter how 'greek' you imagine it when it's deep inside your asshole or what transformer you're picturing it as.

Hence why their circlejerk sub is always the same thing week after week.

Hence why their circlejerk sub is always the same thing week after week.

The crying unvaxxed Yuropoors are the best part of this. Die mad, Hans.

> Paris

> Hans

what did he mean by this?

All Yuros are the same to me. Except Englishmen. If I was President, being English would be illegal.

There is no such thing as president of Europe anymore

One of the many things wrong with them, but not even scratching the top ten.

Merkel is fuhress President of Europe

bookstores are a great date spot tbh

I love browsing used bookstores, but trying to get a specific new book from a local store is usually like "umm we don't have that in stock, want us to order it and maybe you can pay full price for it in two weeks?"