The funny graveyard didn't want you to see this , but our world must know of mirror-world stonetoss's evil.

1  2021-04-02 by 911roofer


Jesus Christ

I know. Can you believe Funny cemetery thinks this is actually humorous?

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. The funny graveyard didn't want you... -,*

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I’m gonna start fed posting soon

The only reason I posted this here is because the world needs to be warned. Someone made this, and thought it was good enough to share with others. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Someone made this, and thought it was good enough to share with others.

Thats like, 99.9% of reddit.

you know you've successfully captured your target with the lens of cutting satire when you've hurr durr'd them.

I've seen the original post. Don't look for it. It's better if only I have to suffer.

Don't look for it.

There was no danger of that.

This is God's righteous punishment on me for all the wikiposts I've done.

What's the original?

I think the creator might have drawn this on their own. I'm scared too.


This is anti-funny. Looking at this gives me the same feeling of dread and horror I get when I remember that I'm probably going to outlive all the family members I actually like.

This is so Kaufman-esque that I came in my lady shorts out of sheer confusion

This is the result of not normalizing bullying