Bird drama
1 2021-04-03 by Tired4
Professionally hated and stalked 🤡 Psychonaut🍄🌈 Wiccan♐️ Photographer📷 Producer🎵 Bird Mama🦜 Bunny Mama
A bird mama with father issues that takes acid regularly.
She owns too many birds but is too r-slurred to know how to take care of them and ends up killing them and then will go on to buy more birds.
Follow the 👀 and scroll to find a few "RIP birdie 💀"
1 SnapshillBot 2021-04-03
Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.
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1 Bummunism 2021-04-03
She doesn't know how to do anything
1 Tired4 2021-04-03
any female born after 1993 can’t cook… all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie
1 Bummunism 2021-04-03
1 strallweat 2021-04-03
Can confirm. My gf was 94. She's all that listed, except she can cook.
1 lol_te_gusto 2021-04-03
Wait. How spoiled can u be to get by not knowing to cook?
1 strallweat 2021-04-03
Majority of people "know" how to cook. That doesn't mean they're any good at it.
1 lol_te_gusto 2021-04-03
Imagine the american dream but from the outside
1 Osterion 2021-04-03
She looks like someone I knew in college who killed her cat by rolling over it in bed
1 thenortheastface 2021-04-03
1 trailerparkmalarkey 2021-04-03
1 Bummunism 2021-04-03
Why is this bad, I don't have any interest in bunnies, but it's good to know
1 lol_te_gusto 2021-04-03
All pets are slaves
1 zhcyiDnein 2021-04-03
How tf do you even kill cockatiels that quickly? They are incredibly low maintenance birds. I’ve had two for like 14 years now and they’re in great health lmao.
1 Tired4 2021-04-03
My wife has been stalking her profile for a while. She has killed more birds but she nuked her account twice because everyone keeps calling her a r-slur
1 searingsky 2021-04-03
she looks 37
1 Funkyduffy 2021-04-03
1 lol_te_gusto 2021-04-03
I hate the concept of pets. Thats pure consummer existenciallist cope.