After 300 years of "pay up white boi", Virginia finally agrees to allow universities to be penetrated by the blacked™ scholarship program. No mayos allowed.

1  2021-04-04 by busslordlowkeybussin


I feel like the optics on this are questionable. That being said I respect the hell out of anyone who can bilk money from the government using this.

"College education is often the way for people to be able to escape those cycles of poverty that they and their families have lived in for generations."

I hate to say this but I’m completely for this. I’m the last guy on the list in favor for reparations in the form of a cash app transaction, but this seems like a bill to give a hand out to a person that’s actually trying to better themselves. The urban bro I bought drugs from blasting ghetto shit in his blue challenger in a NC shithole, isn’t really the type to submit college applications and tuition requests lol.

Never hate to say the things you believe, king.

That would suggest it should be based on class, not race.

yeah I don't see a problem with this at all, it's like getting a payout from the government because your dad died from mesothelioma but actually creates value in the recipients' lives.

So they are expanding their basketball and football scholarships ?

How does one establish they are the descendant of a slave?

Will they be required to submit a family tree?

Or at least a picture of the tree their family was hanged from?

Do italians count?

I'm unironically gunna say I'm PeeOhCee when I apply for college when the closest thing I have is Spanish/Irish.

There is literally no reason to not try to cheat a system that hates you.

That sort of victim mindset isn't healthy, king.

A victim mindset only sucks if you do nothing but whine about it. It aint bad to use a system not designed to help you in order for it to actually help you.

I will simply wear blackface to drink at the 'correct' water fountain. 😎

It's healthier to just pay reparations and not try to grift some of it for yourself?

Yes, maintaining a virtuous life is healthier and dishonesty is not virtuous.

I'm not sure I see the virtue in just accepting being cucked by society because you were born a whiteboi. Not sure how it's mutually exclusive with taking responsibility for yourself either.

This is that victim mentality again.

Who exactly is hurting you and how?

Read Beyond Good and Evil

I did, but it failed to turn me into a sociopath. Maybe I wasn't one before and that's why it didn't click?

My whole point is not to be a victim. You owe nothing to a system that hates you and taxes you. I don't care what someone thinks if they would think less of me for exploiting such a system. It's true your professional reputation can be damaged which is why you obviously need to weigh risks.

Once again, who exactly is victimizing you?

The people placing racial quotas in society.


You're still being vague.

And that still doesn't tell us how you're being harmed.

You're still being vague.

Use context maybe? It's pretty obvious given what we're talking about.

And that still doesn't tell us how you're being harmed.

How could excluding certain groups from opportunities created with public resources harm members of that group. It truly is a mystery. 🤔🤔🤔

Use context maybe? It's pretty obvious given what we're talking about.

The context is the suffering you have experienced and who has inflicted it.

How could excluding certain groups from opportunities created with public resources harm members of that group. It truly is a mystery. 🤔🤔🤔

Tell us about the specific thing you were excluded from.

I am taking responsibility for myself. By scamming people who deserve it.

I'm not exactly taking candy from a baby here.

If that's the kind of person you want to be, by all means. But then you're no longer innocent.

This is a very weird bait




Yeah, it is strange the first time you start thinking about the consequences of your actions. It'll get easier with time, kid.

Yes, maintaining a virtuous life is healthier and dishonesty is not virtuous.

That which is falling should also be pushed.

when I apply for college

I sincerely hope this doesn't mean you are a high schooler.

I'm not

Carry on then. I actually stated I was hispanic when I applied for schools despite only being 1/4 Guatemalan and it being pretty impossible that anyone would think I am actually Latino.

Not that it did me any good considering I only applied for state schools.

literally no reason to not try to cheat a system that hates you

That's the spirit. This is absolutely right.

No meme, because my pap is more than a quadroon and I wouldn't mind picking up a meme masters at free online school.

Just list yourself as 'Hispanic' when the question comes up. So long as you have dark hair and eyes you should be fine. 😉

Most of my family now is Hispanic, they don't seem to get shit. Black is where the money is.