The homeless pexple of Kansas City have decided to unionize πŸ‘€

1  2021-04-05 by employee10038080



Kansas City doesn't exist

You don't exist snally

Kansas City, which isn't even in Kansas. Suspicious.

And if the Wizard of Oz and the Dark Tower series have taught me anything, Kansas doesn't really exist either.

It's elephants all the way down.

I want to know what the shitting in city hall’s vents story is 🍿


Found this comment in another thread about a homeless encampment.

β€œThe city provided a porta-potty to the camp, and the houseless people there were instead shitting into the air vents that lead to the city hall.... Yeah, that ruined any sympathy I had for this group.”


The last sentence:

The notice to vacate also applies to the homeless camp on Westport Road and Southwest Trafficway.

So using an excuse to also clear out to unrelated places. This whole thing is great and hilarious, real reap what you sow time all around

Lmao that's a cause I can squat down to support.

Because they conducted a non violent protest?

It was chemical warfare

now that’s direct action

KC is cold in the winter? What do they do then?

Also I really like their zoo and tech N9ne.

KC gets pretty cold most winters, most homeless people go to shelters. Those that don't usually hang out under an overpass. There's like a thousand homeless people in KC so homelessness isn't such a problem where you find frozen homeless people like in NYC.

If you like museums, Nelson Atkins is great too.

I don't think I've ever seen homeless people in KC.

Not much of an art guy, I like zoos and aquariums, that's about it.

I rarely see them, only in certain spots. There's one asshole that hangs out at a light to get on I-35 that comes and knocks on your window asking for money.

There's the kneegrow league baseball museum, that's kinda like a zoo

How are they gonna strike? Quit panhandling and stealing catalytic converters?

stealing catalytic converters?

How many homeless people with a sawzall do you know?

It's been a real problem in my area lately. On Priuses and some other Toyotas you can literally just rip them off

I am aware that catalytic converter theft is a minor problem some places, but

On Priuses and some other Toyotas you can literally just rip them off

I've never heard of that. They're not that easy to get unattached from the vehicle without some tools that your average homeless person doesn't carry around with them.

lol that's because I was misinformed. I guess they're just easier to remove from Priuses for some reason, but it seems like they still need to be cut off. It's a pretty significant problem here either way. I have multiple coworkers who got yoinked.

Separate problems.

Catalytic converter thefts are a minor blip on the radar screen of societal problems, while homelessness in general anywhere is a bit more important.

Perhaps we could build homes for the homeless out of stolen catalytic converters?

Catalytic converter thefts are a minor blip on the radar screen of societal problems, while homelessness in general anywhere is a bit more important.

This is debatable imo. I don't particularly care about homelessness but I really don't want my catalytic converter to get stolen.

Can we just institutionalize the homeless like we used to do? Just lock them in an asylum and throw away the key. These fuckers have so many programs designed to get them off the street and they won't take advantage of any of it. You'll sit at an intersection for 12 hours in the rain for 50 bucks, but you won't take 45 minutes to fill out a form that will eventually end up with you having a stable life? Fuck off and leave me alone and take your poor ass to the social worker.

Ahh I see you've taken the jail homeless people pill

Nah, the asylum system was evil as fuck and based on purely subjective stuff.

Exterminate vagrants if you want, but no asylums.

It could easily be reformed. Homeless people obviously can't take care of themselves. When we ended the asylums we just threw them out to the street with no support. Maybe we can just not lobotomize them or torture them this time. That solution will end up with a whole lot less dead homeless people, either from OD or crack on crack crime.

Twisting the abolition of asylums into being about the homeless is just post-hoc anti-Reagan (fuck Reagan) liberalism.

Giving shrinks arbitrary control over the indefinite confinement and drugging of citizens was always evil.

I genuinely don't care what you do with the homeless, but letting "the homeless" be used as a way to trick people into bringing back asylums is, well, madness.

Fair points, I just want the homeless to stop shitting everywhere and taking so much meth that they spaz out. There's only 3 reasons a person is homeless longer than 6 months, 1. They're too insane to take care of themselves. 2. They're too lazy to fill out any one of the numerous amounts of forms that will get them government assistance. 3. They like that lifestyle. All three are a dangerous nuisance to everyone. Anyone that says they care about the homeless is a fucking liar.

That list should include heavy substance abuse. And forms don't really help because in many places the waiting list for section 8 if you're not a single mother is quite long. After all, if housing were free there would be no NEETs.

But listen, you're preaching to the choir on the homeless problem. In fact, as I've gotten older it's become increasingly clear to me that the presence of undesirables is the source of most of life's miseries.

Do whatever you want with the dregs, but bringing back asylums won't get rid of them. We still had disruptive junkies and poors when we had asylums.

There's a slew of other programs besides section 8 which will help you work towards a stable life, but most won't listen to their case worker long enough to try. But I've noticed that the druggies 95% of the time have some sort of mental illness comorbidity to go along with chronic substance abuse. Which is why I suggested the asylum. I really don't care what happens to them, I just really, really want them gone so I don't have to deal with them. Whatever it takes.

Maybe we find out what causes result in more people taking the rough sleeping pill, and change those to reduce future homelessness?

I generally frown on social engineering, but maybe in this case it’s called for

Was it any worse than freezing to death

Yes, because it could be done to none hobos.

A lot of them make better money pans handling than they do working.

I've heard that but I have a hard time believing it. Who are the idiots giving them money at the stoplight?

For some reason I read that as nationalize the homeless and I was kinda on board. Put the feds in charge of making sure there are plenty of homeless in every city of the nation and we will eliminate homelessness in just a few short years

I legitimately want to know what happens if homeless people go on strike.

If employed people striking means they stop working, obviously unemployed people working means they'll start working.

Silly typo is funny

They start capturing our pets and causing mischief I guess.

Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. The homeless pexple of Kansas City ... -,*

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Homeless people thinking they have ANY bargaining power


If their demands aren’t met they start shitting and dumping used needles in the good parts of town

They already do that.

Yeah but they haven’t done it in an organized fashion before. Before it was just lone wolfs.

Truly the embodiment of grassroots community action.

I'm pretty sure that the closing statement is the only part of the letter that was actually written by a homeless person

We tired. We're not gonna go for it anymore. We got a voice and we finna use it.

The homeless should be given nothing until they share with us the secret to the covid immunity!

Somehow they've been not wearing masks or social distancing while exposed to the elements and they're all fine. πŸ€”

If a homeless person dies in the woods and a future programmer isn’t around to see it, does it get reported?

As if they'd have missed any opportunities to add to the covid death count. They were marking gunshot victims as covid deaths.

No one touches or goes near homeless people.

The other homeless do, and they touch other people constantly when they steal and rape and get their fluids all over everything in public.

You sound like you've been blessed to next take a subway or bus in the northeast. I suggest you keep it that way. Never believe anyone who tells you cities like New York or Boston aren't Petri dishes, even now.

Ya wtf, there's still homeless pexple?? Clearly they're immune

I think it really just boils down to the homeless spend all their time outdoors, and the virus has an insanely hard time spreading outside.

That's a meme. If we're equally close, indoor or outdoors, there should be no difference in transmission. Besides they live in tent camps.

Sunlight does make it less of an issue outdoors, but they always denied that until like yesterday. The "it doesn't ever spread outdoors" stuff was just thrown around to excuse the riots.

Look up the research. It spreads indoors in poorly ventilated rooms because all the shit you are breathing out builds up. Outdoors that shit just flies off up into the wind unless you are coughing in someone's face.

In a small non-ventilated room, sure. But there shouldn't be a difference between outdoors and in a big box store (aside from the sun) and I haven't seen any science to suggest otherwise.

shit just flies off up into the wind

Can't tell if serious.

How am I not? You understand what a breeze is right?

In a big box store you are pretty much fine. There is ventilation and tons of room for that shit to scatter

So we agree there is no meaningful difference between, say, a big box store and outside for purposes of the virus. So to suggest outside is less dangerous than all the other indoor places where we've been told we can and will die doesn't really add up.

If we're locked inside a closet together it's more dangerous, sure. But it isn't harder to spread outside than in a school.


I know what breeze is. When there is a breeze it's not just picking everything up and taking it up and away from people. If I'm packed together in a crowd of mostly peaceful looters, the breeze isn't doing anything to prevent the mucus I cough up from hitting the guy next to me. Its as likely to carry it into him (or any of the other people around me) as it is to carry it away from him, to the extent it can carry what I've coughed up at all.