Not satisfied with trying to start the mayocide and sugaring up children for decades, Coca-Cola has progressed to increasing people's blood pressure in order to trigger heart attacks.

1  2021-04-05 by busslordlowkeybussin


I feel so good not drinking Diet Coke on a Delta flight

could be a dril tweet tbh

No ice, straight cup. Ya dig.

not dril as in the hip hop genre, dril as in the weird twitter guy

Got a link?

How can any mainstream conservatard say that the ccp is in bed with wokies? Lol

I could sperg on this topic for days

I think it's tied to conspiracy theories that the enemies of the US are promoting wokies to destroy the country.

That's not a conspiracy theory, it was an explicit part of the intelligence reports on "Russian interference".

Conservatives don’t actually believe in things. They just say whatever they can to own the libs.

On another note looks like a minor civil war going on in Nigeria

CCP is a 3 letter bogeyman that rightoids love to throw out inappropriately, like DNC or BLM. It's weird. Granted he wrote the whole thing out this time, but it's the same idea.

The CCP has been supported by the American left and all the corporations and people that push wokeness here in the states.

You won't find a bigger supporter of the CCP on this sub, but it's not a crazy connection. The CCP is no itself woke, but it certainly uses them in the west.

There was also something about an intelligence report before the election about China and... I wanna say Iran... shilling for Biden.

What’s their stance on mayocide?

They're pretty open about being cool with genocide, which you have to respect.

That said, I read an article that China is already/is planning to ramp up the hiring of older western white men pushed out for diversity reasons at large companies seeing them as an undervalued asset they can take advantage of.

Why are these people fighting about voterid when nobody is saying anything about ids.

Problem is giving power to local representatives the power to decide if votes have been casted in proper fashion or not. & local representatives are the real crazy ones. is a good write up on the issue. That's Curtis Yarvin aka Moldbug, reading his stuff will push you all the way through alt-right into Monarchism if you believe the people who didn't read him.

You just revealed you pay for Moldbug's substack.


It's the only substack I pay for and funnily enough I subscribed to it accidentally, just testing if a debit Mastercard works in a discussion about subscribing to Scott Alexander, but I keep it on because, you know, tomato-like anal polyps. He's a good guy and he deserves my $10/mo.

Shit, was that a paid-only post? I can share it with you fslurs via PMs, I guess. Information wants to be free more than I care about Curtis' opinion about this particular instance. To give a taste:

Why do we have elections, anyway? It’s a strange nation indeed that loves elections, but loathes politicians. We seem to regard democracy (in the literal sense of the word, meaning electing the people who run, or purportedly run, the government) as an unpleasant necessity—an odd place for a 250-year-old revolution to wind up.

The answer is actually simple. In this degenerate state of late democracy, we have elections because we’d rather not have civil wars. Each side sees our elections as its shield against the other side—which is ruthless, powerful, and bent on its destruction.

As Matthew Yglesias tweeted in 2016, “My guess is that in a Trump administration angry mobs will beat and murder Jews and people of color with impunity.” This was a centrist perspective. Yglesias, a third-generation hereditary baron of publishing with blood as blue as Maradona’s shirt, was not then involuntarily committed, but went on to become the new king of Substack, which is how we know America is a communist country: the religion of a nation is whatever collective delusion can bind her together.






Scott and Mencius are the substackers I'd pay if paying for text didn't make you a cuck-slur.

Imagine getting sweat on your forehead about whether you're getting your money's worth for paying $10/mo to some guys' substacks. Have you tried not being ultimately economically cuckolded?

Theres something funny about after only one democrat victory that took years to achieve in Georgia they immediately turn around and just say “fuck democracy”. The state reps having the ability to toss out votes as they please will cause shitstorms for decades to come.

It's not really funny, given that it came with rushed and fundamental changes on how voting works.

Once you start fucking with how elections work you can't be surprised when the other side responds. Frankly, Republicans are being soft again by not going much further.

Why are these people fighting about voterid when nobody is saying anything about ids.

Because voter ID is precisely the kind of Jim Crow voter intimidation antics the Democratic Party fought against.

Voting laws are almost universally on the state level. Including all the changed laws that allowed the 2020 Democratic victory.

And Voter ID is a big part of it, and has long been a very contentious topic.

A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. Not satisfied with trying to start ... -,*

  2. Coca-Cola went from indoctrinating ... -,*

  3. Breaking wind from CNN! Coke will a... -,*

  4. Dumb ass Coca Cola CEO must not rea... -,*

  5. I feel so good not drinking Diet Co... -,*

  6. Friendly Reminder: STOP DRINKING CO... -,*

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The Coca Cola company is not happy with me--that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage.

Father predicted this


I'd love to see the right normalize corporate boycotts.

They could be infinitely more successful with it, because there's none of that "no moral consumption under capitalism" stuff.

"Does this corporation openly state its hatred for white men? If yes, consume a different brand of garbage. If no , continue to consume this garbage."