After using a supercomputer and complex maths to decide between factors such as female privilege, racism, poverty and age (ableism?), the two young girls who killed the Uber Eats driver are offered a plea deal.

1  2021-04-06 by busslordlowkeybussin


The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


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That’s so fucked up honestly. These kids should be fed to alligators or something.

Yeah and I would say so if they were lily white.

Wait they’re not m*yo? Maybe a less harsh sentence is appropriate then.

Honestly I agree I think being young is one aspect, but they should serve a decent amount of time to at least be rehabilitated enough to enter society. The fucked up thing is how quickly they settled this. I feel really sorry for the victims family.

I also think like hunting people should get licenses to have kids.

We don’t know how long they’ll be getting, just that they won’t be held past 21. Thats a possible 8 years for the 13 year old.


I can’t find any coverage about this on any other subreddit except a screenshot on iamatotalpieceofshit and all comments are’s deleted and the thread is locked

Although i really want to get super angry on this. I read somewhere the problem lies in DC law regarding juvenile crimes. The 13 is too young to get really any charge and the 15 cant be tried as an adult unless it meets a certain threshold, which this doesnt.

I think the story is misleading as well because they will face jail time in juvie. If it's their first offense then they will likely face a manslaughter charge due to negligence on top of their armed robbery charge. Most likely won't get a kidnapping charge or whatever it's called when you steal a vehicle with someone still inside it.

Did you see the video of the people getting angry at the airport? I was gonna post some screenshots here but it got yalled so quickly.

I gotta be honest not a lot shit shocked me but that did. I think it's because airports have police their and a lot of security and those bitches just went nuts, over a common thing which is the flight being delayed. I dunno I hope to read the court transcript.

the staff should have just said that the plane was running on CP time

Any breadcrumbs you can provide to at least find traces of this on the internet?

I hate the layout of removeddit. If you can stomach it the deleted comments are all over it. Reddit went full mask off with the racism.

Eh, all people tend to be emotional fucks when it comes to an out-group acting like massive assholes. Those dipshits will be put on no-fly lists and charged with felonies. Then they'll spend the rest of their lives whining about how the system screwed them even when there are countless examples of legitimate injustices.

Just stupid assholes being stupid assholes.

Damn it this sounds juicey why is the comment deleted I want to argue.

It was a video of some black chicks losing their shit on airport staff because their flight was delayed. They were throwing shit and attacking them.





janny things

It aint racism if it's an accurate observation though.

the local sub is talking about it.

Lmao they murdered a guy during a carjacking, the news called it an accident, and now the DA is promising they won't go to prison and everything will be wrapped up in time for their 21st birthday parties.

These girls may have somehow transcended gender and achieved Chad status.

Also, love that we're all acknowledging that uber drivers aren't human and killing them isn't a serious crime. Let's apply this to retail employees next.

I hate that my brain is going to this, but I can’t stop comparing the coverage on this to the Sandmann case. Teen in DC smiles at crazy drunk native guy vs these DC teens. It’s just too much, it’s hilarious.

If these were mayo teens they'd be talking about investigating this as an anti-Asian hate crime, and instead of the mayor tweeting out a reminder to lock your cars to prevent auto theft we'd get some rant about how Trump is responsible.

anti-Asian hate crime

We haven't heard the word Islamophobia in a while.

I never even thought of that. Give that to a rightoid to use somewhere. I'd do it but I'm having enough trouble transitioning left as it is.

Standard pool party kind of guy?


100 to 120 guys?

Let's apply this to retail employees next.

omw 2 vodafone

Even if they were adults and mayoids this wouldn’t get a murder charge because it’s pretty clear that they were not intending to kill the dude.

Depends on jurisdiction, but they probably would. I also don't know exactly what they did to him. My understanding is they attacked him while trying to car jack him and he died.

In any case, in a felony murder jurisdiction they'd catch that. And assuming they killed him while intending to do serious bodily harm or with "reckless indifference to an unjustifiably high risk to human life" they'd still get hit with murder.

That's common law and criminal law is statutory these days, but that's the general idea. Manslaughter is generally for negligence, unforeseeable results, "imperfect self-defense", or heat of passion.

He died after getting ejected in a car crash after the car jacking - typical fslur driving. There isn’t really an indication they were trying to cause him serious bodily harm.

Ah, hmm. Why was he still in the car after he took it? How did they subdue him?

In any case, at a glance DC does have felony murder so they'd get charged with first degree murder.

They tazed him and pushed him out of the car, and then he clung to it as they tried to drive off. Also, turns out they were indeed charged with felony murder, you were right.

In any case, thanks for catching me up on the details. I should have just looked up an article but sometimes it's a pain on mobile.

This is unacceptable. No wonder my food deliveries take so long to arrive.

I'm sure when they get out they'll be productive members of society.