The creator of the wire ends up triggering Piers Morgan. Literal Rabbit hole of retweets at each other

1  2021-04-06 by __TIE_Guy


click on retweets to follow the drama.

Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. The creator of the wire ends up tri... -,*

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did he really imply that the west wing is better than the wire? I know the wire is endlessly circlejerked on this site but jesus that's a trash take

I'm more of an anime guy

don't share that piece of information with your parole officer imho

TFW when were both into anime.

The justice system fails once again

I see this as an absolute win.

The wire wasn’t made into an actual presidency

Holy fuck I hate twitter’s formatting. Twitter might genuinely be one of the worst large sites online when it comes to how they format threads and that godforsaken quote tweet bs sucks too.

I got suspended. First time I called Shane Dawson a bitch, then I said something about Jeff Witiek the David Dobrik simp, I think I called him a pussy. Apparently the dude went to prison and wanted to fight Trisha Paytas. Real Hard man there. Twitter is aids man. It sucks because I like it and I use vulgarity to make a point but yeh man I dunno. At this point it is a glorified messaging service. Still good drama.

This is the only reason Twitter should exist. I'm glad the days of celebrities acting like they're better than us is over. That's right pigs, get in the mud and fight for our entertainment.

Some are okay. Some that acknowledge their privilege. Like Lets look at two. Ricky Gervais dude didn't find success until later in life; grew up poor; is very thankful and humbled. Now compare that to Leonardo Dikiddie diddler. What's the most noble thing he's done? Protect the environment? Really how? Like all that guy does is take a social cause claim it as his own to grandstand.