Arsonist on the Nazi PC Enthusiast subreddit ends up burning his own apartment down.

1  2021-04-06 by I_DRINK_TO_FORGET

People are starting to put together the puzzle with a both a propane torch and electric space heater visibly sitting in his room prior to his handy work taking place.

I would say its only a matter of time before he panics and removes the incriminating evidence but he seems like a complete r-slur so maybe not.


Send your prayers to loveforlandlords since some poor landlord fell victim to this rentoid.

I can’t help but feel like people like that have had abusive childhoods. It’s the social equivalent of smearing faeces on the walls. Intentionally doing things that are weird and unpleasant for everyone involved just to provoke (justified) negative attention.


  1. Arsonist on the Nazi PC Enthusiast ... -,*

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Where's the drama?

Can't find it.

The fuck is this cryptic shit, Seriously can we not just use our comment histories or something.