When was the last time the billionaires that rule us really openly flexed on us?

1  2021-04-06 by itsnotmyfault

I'm starting to miss the days when the Tweeter in Chief really did change national policy in the stupidest fucking way on a whim that came to him while he was taking his morning shit and the entire day's news was a mad scramble for the media to try to explain why it made sense or was the stupidest fucking decision.

Remember that time he announced completely random tarriffs via tweet, catching the entire rest of the administration with its pants down, to the point where they were openly saying that they had no idea what was going on? Tarriffs aren't even a power that the president has, and yet it was made so. The last time economists took tarriffs seriously as an efficient economic policy was at least 200 years ago. But the billionaire is in charge and he wanted it, and he got it, regardless of what anyone else wanted... and he did it over a tweet without anyone else's knowledge or involvement. What a fucking flex.

And now, it all has gone back to the shadows. Bezos isn't out here tweeting his evil plans like a fucking moron, they happen behind closed doors in more subtle ways. He's not going to plaster "lol, get fucked" on the front page of the Washington Post, even though he could. If he wanted to, he could make sure every person in the world saw his dick pics. He could make sure every house in the world got a dick pic mailed to them. He could make it so that everyone had a bronze dick statue delivered to their door.


the biggest flex I've ever seen was 110% the follow-up to epstein's, ""suicide""

NO ONE got in trouble, not the AG barr who was directly responsible for the prison Epstein was at, not the guards who let it happen, not the warden, or god forbid the dozens of celebrities and oligarchs we know were out on sex slave island. even sweet lady ghislaine only recently got arrested, and I bet they'll just memory-hole the entire ordeal in a few years when internet smoothbrains get bored with it and move on to the next thing

it's shit like that which makes me sympathize with the qanon t*rds, the black israelites, antivaxxers/flat-earthers, etc etc. they are probably extremely wrong about all the details, but they're right about the fact that their government lies to them every fuckin day.

Is Flint's fucking water even fixed yet?

We used to be able to build fucking warships in like 2 years , now we cant even fix potholes for years (just had to deal with the same fucking pothole every fucking day for the past fucking year and some fucking smuck keeps filling it with loose gravel which eventually peels out and gets everwhere on the fucking asphalt road so now its like 10% gravel on top of shitty pot holed cracked asphalt. FUCK!

China built a whole ass hospital in 5 working days.

brother I ride a motorcycle to work. every time I hit a pothole, I crush my nads

I feel your pain

Unironically pls be safe sweaty I knew too many motorcycle tards that got fucked for life cause of the wild ride. 😘

thanks babe. I'm pretty safe out there

Flint exists so people in Detroit can say “At least I don’t live in Flint.” The drinking water being poison is a feature.

Pretty sure the Flint thing has been mostly fixed now. They had to replace thousands of pipes in a relatively poor city, it was always going to take a long time. I'm pretty sure the entire thing could be summed up less as a government conspiracy and more lazy bureaucrats not doing their job.

I forgot about that. Looks like I was the smoothbrain all along.


Wasnt there an article posted recently that basically said "yeah a cabal of wealthy and influential people rigged the election but it was actually a good thing"? That was a pretty big flex.

"how the election was saved" and it wasn't about rich people even, it said that some guy got 900 people in a zoom call, they decided that counter-protests after the Jan 6th riot would be counterproductive, and then no counter-protests happened in the entire country (with the exception of some rslurs in Portland). This lawn ain't organic lmao.

And McAfee got got too and no more schizoposting from him either. :(

Elon is all we have left.

I was mildly amused by Kim Kardashian cucking a bunch of people posting pics of her ugly sister unshooped. Kim Jong-un Kardashian got some power behind her.

So why did she get her sisters pics taken down? Were they leaked or something?

They're unedited so it doesn't show her ridiculous shoop body. I guess it ruins their "brand."

But like how does that image break copyright

I'm not a lawyer of course, but it's technically her image and she can have it taken down. The fact that it's done with the quickness and people are getting banned probably has to do with $$$$. I'm sure if it was some smalltime photographer, they'd be fucked.

My guess is it is a marketing strategy. THey got 'leaked' sure they did.

The only thing I have enjoyed was a recent fight between her and kourtney. I haven't even seen her sex tape nor will I.

It's pretty meh. She only got famous for it because Ray J was in it.

I have no idea who that is either.

2000s rapper famous for being on For the Love of Ray J and hosting Bad Girls Club All Stars. His sister Brandy was more famous.

I fucking loves Bad Girls Club. I never sat through whole season. I don't have oxygen the channel not the gas.

Bad Girls Club was the shit. Buncha ghetto hoes in a house fighting each other over gossip and food. Fuckin love it.

It was drama in it's purest form.

Maybe Jeff Bezos has more money than Trump because he isn't a fragile impulsive rætard like Trump. Maybe that's a bad thing. Maybe we'd see less severe consolidation of wealth if the elite spent their time making dumbfuck public power plays against each other instead of making money.

Jeff Bezos gets to much hate IMO. Trump is a chump. One of the things Elon mentioned was an estate tax because the chances your offspring accomplish what you do is slim, which ironically did not happen in his case.

I miss DDR shenanigans too. If it makes you feel better DDD might soon be pro-wall. It's not the same though.

Presidents have the power to levy tariffs because Congress was too rslurred to do it effectively. Every vote FOR tariffs had to come with something they got for their district or special allowance or whatever. Turns out, it is wildly infeasible for 100 selfish assholes to quickly put together any sort of trade deal bill.

That's completely r-slurred and an incompetent Congress is supposed to be a feature preventing a dictator from doing whatever he wants, not an excuse for it.


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Snally, donating +500$ in nets to the Africans children against the Mosquitoe menace without even leaving a funny note


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Nkandla was a pretty dope flex on us 'tards down South.

Anyone remember when Trump and the Saudi Prince and someone else all held an elaborate glowing globe together for a photo op, seemed a bit on the nose at the time to me.

The thing I miss the most about DDR's departure is not being able to watch the lengths his supporters would go to explain why Daddy praying to the Saudi Orb of Evil was a good thing actually.

What about Muskrat tricking all his gullible simps into buying nerd-shekels only to sell his off and laugh about that shit on the twatter?

The Medici

The 2020 election, the legal changes leading up to it, the open media manipulation before and after, and then the Time Magazine article bragging about all of it?

For me it was I think it was axios but they were trying to repeal obama care and they kept asking about Trump's plan (He didn't have one) anyways trump brushes it off and then that anorexic cunt Kaley Macanany or whatever the fuck comes out with this comical binder that was their 'health plan'.

To your question OP the last time would be occupy wall street when all these bankers were laughing at people while drinking champagne.

More recently would be tik tokers, celebrities, being depressed about having to stay home while other people dies or lost there homes and livelihood.