GOP looking to test Commiefornia’s commitment to trains

1  2021-04-06 by red1dragon588


The other funny thing about trains is that the exact second that they are accepted they will probably become rightoids.

Explain further

Trains basically buy more into gender roles than even the most curmudgeonly republican. You think a women's place is being subservient to their man, wearing pretty clothing and fulfilling every tradwife stereotype possible? Good chance you're a train. Trains can most be described as having an insatiable urge to cosplay the 1960's stereotype of the opposite gender. Acknowledge them as the gender they want to play and you just have conservatives.

Interesting story of your life struggle!

I thought trains disowned this one?

exactly, which is why she's ripe for the Rightoids.

Can you imagine the levels of extreme commiefornia cope when the first 🚆 governor is a Republican? Can you imagine if she's competent enough to make it to a presidential run? 🚆sphobia will become lowkey acceptable again in the media and academia.

Can you imagine if she’s competent

Not really.

competent enough

If DDR can do it, Vehicular Homicide Mommy can do it too

If you didn’t vote for Biden, you ain’t transgendered!

If this happened, Dramacoin would be the next GME

The Commiefornians lowkey would love an athletic, high T, high E, conservative XY woman. It'll be like sexually punishing the whole state.

I saw an interview with her I think it was when she was bashing rogan, and I gotta be honest I've never seen someone so fake and conceited. Because she was crying and then Immediately was like I'll go on Rogan's podcast. One of those few moments you realize that being a train is legit. Like that has to be petty white woman shit no? I just don't see dudes doing that.

South Park predicts again.


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As a rightoid I both love and hate this.