Man commits no more family, uses no more family note to rant about how The Office should have ended when Steve Carrell left

1  2021-04-06 by carpathianflorist_


“anyone who knew me knew I operate on pure logic. Every decision I make is based on a pros-cons list, including the one to kill my family”.

“I love my family. I genuinely do. And that’s exactly why I decided to kill them.”

Jesus fuck. If I have an aut*st for a kid and they have depression remind me to yeet them from my fucking house before they Menedez my ass like these fucking assholes

He used 'facts and logic' to come up with the worst solution to a problem.

I'd aim for not having an autistic and depressed kid.

But yeah, if they come out this bad, there's no point in keeping them around.

Just heard this on the news. Fucking awful. Those selfish fucks. How narcissistic do you have to be to kill your entire family because you think “they’ll miss you too much” when you off yourself? Seriously that’s what he said in the note.

Buddy when a significant portion of your note is led into with “The Office is one of the four biggest issues in my life” I think it’s a safe bet that you’re not great with people

I didn’t read it I just thought it was some sort of gay metaphor holy shit what a rslur

Too be fair that show sucks

I think the medication and mental illnesss played a significant role. One of the things can happen for example with depression is suicide, typically people that suffer depression may not be able to carry out their plan. What can happen once you get medicated is you get the 'energy' to carry out that plan. It is kind of implied because they were able to get weapons and binge watch the office. The whole situation is incredibly tragic. I don't think there was malice. These are the musings and thoughts of two sons that were mentally unwell. Very , very, sad.

Bullshit, there's no excuse for this. Whether we call it evil or mental illness its the same thing.

The same goes for that medication shit. I've popped most things und the sun at one time or another. There's no pill on earth that makes a good person kill their family.

Things are not black and white. Usually very gray. In many cases neither is evil. I am not condoning what these people did. Reading this made me incredibly sad. I put myself in that position, I could never bring myself to hurt people I love. The thing is we will never know and all we can do is speculate. Your perspective is just as valid as mine I feel.

A lot more things are black and white than people think. This is one of those things.


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Autobot you are retarded.

If they had been bullied, they would know their ideas are stupid and wouldn't have been so narcissistic into thinking their family would miss them that much. Fuckin losers.

Societal correction. I 100% believe this is the main problem with a lot of things we make fun of on here. These people faced absolutely no pushback from their r-slurred takes and actions and if they did they would say they were being bullied nowadays. Telling someone they're wrong isn't bullying. Society corrects and wait for the drama to start once schools fully open back up everywhere and teens who have been inside with their own thoughts and zero interactions start having to go back. Society corrects r-slurrs.

If they had been bullied, they would know their ideas are stupid

Where is Sam Hyde when you need him.

Hanging around with idiot zoomers probably

The britbong version of The Office was better, mostly because it didn’t try to overstay its welcome.

I hate Ricky Gervais. I feel that helps immerse myself in the show

>Farhan Towhid

>kills relatives

this is what islamophobic violence looks like

Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there

It simply means nature is healing and pandemic is over. Mass shootings, public fights, all of that is slowly returning. Joe himself said it: America is back

Man fuck this selfish motherfucker. If you're gonna an hero (pussy move tbh) then just do it and don't make your problems everyone else's.

Fuck these guys. Depression warps the brain but this only comes from deep seated hyper narcissism. Burn in hell

Looks like I'm late to this post but thats literally a block from my house, I walk my dog every day on pinebluff by that house when returning from the park with the lakes right near it.

Honestly, my money was on the guy in his ever present jeep Cherokee on pinebluff who ive witnessed smoking meth late at night a few times.

The 12-page-long note

If only he put this much effort into not being an rslur

“There was a question asking if he had any mental illnesses but – get this – he lied. “He literally just said no. They didn’t ask for proof or if he was taking any medication (he was).” “Thanks for making the process so easy,” he wrote.

Well at least he tried flexing on the both libs and cons with this.

Unironically I blame whatever dumbass anti-depressant he was taking.

They literally have a side effect profile that involves people going postal.

Would you have him just be sad forever then? Think before you speak.

He could have a fucking drink.

Of course he was a cscel.

Computer science and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

No normal person would choose to code.



Good one.