Supreme dramalord Alex Jones channels enochian magic, increases his brute strength by 100% and prevents a pedophile from taking Mexican children directly to Hillary Clinton.

1  2021-04-08 by busslordlowkeybussin


Why does Keem even have a career? He is not funny or interesting. He's garbage as a journalist and doesn't even do the most basic research. He's like Maury but like 100x more tepid.

You know how there are people who do one impressive thing and then they coast off of their reputation from that for the rest of their life, Keemstar is like that except he coasts of his reputation for being relevant a decade ago. He only survives off of the inertia from that and from stirring up shit every now and again.

What was the impressive thing?

He had a YouTube channel where a bunch of edgelords would harass people in game calling them slurs. He got into a scuffle with wings of redemption who was the biggest at the time and then moved to drama alert afterwords.

How wings of redemption has fallen

Fuck that fat ass red neck depressive victim fuck.

Any other pka fans up in this heezy?

The only thing more pathetic than wings is the sean ranklin fans

You just answered it. He makes trash content that no one else wants to make. Other than that he had a few wins early in his career. Promoting some game, G fuel. And I would say 1st mover advantage.

Didn't he lose G Fuel after the h3h3 thing? I hate that I even know that.

He did. But Why? That was Drama. Two competitors going at it. Now Ethan wants to be the guy on youtube.

Gotta say those are better crisis actors than I expected him to be able to afford.

He is very passionate about seatbelt and car seat laws.

The piling kids into a vehicle thing pisses me off. Didn't like 20 hispanic people die in a SUV like 3 months ago.




love you zoz

National treasure

Chances that is just some dumbass ICE worker transporting children to a detention center?

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Supreme dramalord Alex Jones channe... -,*

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YouTube has taken this saint away from us.