Former purveyor of watermelons, Recep Erdogan provides a luxurious couch for European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen to sit on during a meeting. This gesture is immediately mistaken for sexism.

1  2021-04-08 by busslordlowkeybussin


I like how they insist on saying "fellow top EU official" instead of "President of the European Council, Charles Michel". Makes it seem like some no-name rando stole the seat from her.

Who knew Reuters was so dedicated to doing their part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible?

So they do a photo op but have two chairs instead of 3?

Must be sexism

So wait. Theres two EU officials meeting with turkey and the gusy is mad she doesn't get to sit next to him?

Imagine being named after the villian of Dalmatians.