god fucking dammit
1 2021-04-08 by trailerparkmalarkey
Something needs to be done about the 😴worthy low-effort agendaposting in here. There are wheels moving, there is money changing hands, and now the slurtarded rightoid propaganda machine has a hold on my internet thumbprint I'm getting unskippable Candace Owens and Daily Wire ads on every other YouTube video. Not political YouTube videos, or even white trash hobby videos, but shit like lost/obscure media and little old Mexican ladies making atropellado. I'm getting Black Rifle Coffee banners on Rate Your Music. I saw a fucking Mormon ad on Trailgroove. This shit needs to stop. The radical center has been thrown out of balance. We need some new leftieposters.
7 Zero5urvivers 2021-04-08
Pull your weight and make leftoid agendaposts like me you lazy fuck.
4 SlimjobDopamine 2021-04-08
3 Kodiak_Hypes 2021-04-08
Pizza got banned, fill the void.
2 Leylinus 2021-04-08
Are you kidding? We had legitimately a dozen+ threads the day that Gaetz thing broke.
4 BK-n 2021-04-08
What's not righty about making fun of weirdos?
2 Lolling_Llamas 2021-04-08
Ads not being tailored to your beliefs is a good thing dude
Appreciate it
2 pewkiemuffinboo 2021-04-08
the mayos are out in full force now that reddit has called open season on making them cry.
2 CascadianLiberty 2021-04-08
2 Funkyduffy 2021-04-08
Install AdBlock, virgin. What kind of leftist is still giving free money to Big Advertising? That ain't praxis, sweaty.
1 Leylinus 2021-04-08
American leftism is pro-corporate now, keep up.
1 ArachnoLibrarian 2021-04-08
Every time you see an ad but don't buy the advertised product you make a capitalist waste money.
1 thenortheastface 2021-04-08
Simmer down, nerd