After what appears to be the most polite racist graffiti ever is found in Albion College, followed by an investigation and protests; it is revealed to have been a false flag incident committed by a black student.

1  2021-04-09 by busslordlowkeybussin


who possibly could have seen this coming


Has there ever been a racist graffiti incident at a college that wasn't a false flag?

So my alma mater has the dubious distinction of helping to popularize this kind of hoax. It was one of the first to get any real mainstream traction, and Talcum X, the NAACP, and the state BLM orgs all got involved before the guy came forward a week later and everyone took their toys and went home.


a few years before that, when I was still a student there, there was an incident where someone vandalized (burned out the face and wrote disparaging things on) some of election posters of one of the only black guys running for student government office. He immediately made it a race thing and whipped a bunch of people into a frenzy over the dastardly hate crimes happening on our small, close-knit campus. The administration announced an investigation, there was a dumb little protest, the whole nine yards. Then some woman came forward and confessed. She was his ex and had cheated on her, it had nothing to do with race. Then like three other women came forward and said he had either tried to or successfully date raped them. Then he dropped out of the election. The whole debacle was so fucking bizarre. The guy was a well-known fratty douche and a lot of people had beef with him, but people were so eager to jump on the hate crime thing. Also this was like 2014 or 2015, so people were slightly less jumpy about race and Title IX and university rape cover ups were the hot issues du jour, his timing really couldn't have been worse.

Really shows that playing race card pays off pretty well in the uni.

My case was somewhat similar at Mizzou in 2015. Just hoaxes on top of hoaxes.

Campus-wide protests kicked off after the new πŸ€-American student body president (an effete upper-middle-class homosexual) started off the year by claiming that he had just been called the n-word in the middle of campus by a pickup truck full of rednecks. Yet no video evidence was ever produced of that truck despite an "investigation" and surveillance cameras all over campus; it later came out (before being scrubbed from the school paper's website by order of the woke editor-in-chief) that he had used the same story in his student senate election a year or two prior, but nobody seemed to notice or care.

After about a month and a half, the protests went into a fever pitch, and kids started camping on both of the quads. In the case of another likely hoax (or just some 18yo edgelord; both are equally plausible) somebody drew a swastika made out of their own poop on the wall of one of the new dorms' πŸš‚-friendly bathrooms, and that all of a sudden turned it into an anti-Nazi protest, too, which made everyone involved even more aggressively r-slurred.

Professors started assaulting and coordinating attacks on student journalists, like that dumb comms prof broad who famously asked a group of melanated chads to "get some muscle over here" to remove two student journalists, one of whom was a gay Asian twink and the other a πŸš‚ woman, whom she perceived were violating protesters' space by... recording them on public state property.

Then the other protest leader, a πŸ€-American grad student whose dad was a multimillionaire railroad executive, decided to go on a hunger strike until both the chancellor and university system president stepped down and "acknowledged their white privilege," along with a whole list of demands like mandatory student/faculty diversity training and 10 percent πŸ€ staff. The university initially refused to cave, but then all the black players on the football team announced that they'd strike for the rest of the season. A demand to which the leadership gave in two days later.

At the very peak, right before the university did cave, there was one night of pure chaos. There had been some bait threads on Twitter (some were allegedly from literal Russian bots) claiming that white guys were going around town throwing bricks and rocks at random black people; the student body president subsequently decided to take this bait and run with it, doubling down and claiming, falsely, that he was "in contact with university police, state highway patrol, and the National Guard" and that they had confirmed to him that the KKK were actively marching through Greektown and attacking black students.

This guy literally recreated the fucking Death Eater scene from the intro to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in his head, and decided to post it out to thousands of people for clout. He eventually made a very low-key retraction and non-apology afterward, though luckily for him the ISIS (swt) Paris attacks happened the very next day and the protests almost instantly evaporated, conveniently right after the university had acceded to every single demand.

And what was the collective reaction to all of this? Somehow, pride. Student and local media glowingly covered the protests in hindsight for years afterward. Dozens of humanities and social science professors, in vain, co-signed an open letter begging the new administration not to fire that prof who had assaulted two minority students. Both the former student president and that grad student are now professional "diversity and inclusion" speakers and bluechecks, who make their living grifting corporate HR departments and advocating for the mayocide.

Just ignore the fact that all of this absolutely plummeted student enrollment numbers for half a decade, crashed the local housing market, lost the university tens of millions of dollars in core funding, noticeably devalued degrees, partly dried up the city sales tax base, and permanently gimped municipal public transit due to lack of funding.

and people think i'm joking when I say IDPOL is going to wreck so much shit before people figure out how stupid and how much money is wasted on it.

"The demand for racism in the US is greater than the supply."

This is particularly true on campus.

One time my uni had a full investigation, a committee formed and 3 days of healing and reconciliation because a Japanese exchange student carved what looked to like a swastika in the snow on a residence quad. I personally believe he did it on purpose.

If there is it's usually not in a bathroom but somewhere public. LIke those two jamokes spray painting swastika's. on a walk way.

At this point it’s just a regular flag operation

Fake racist attacks are just smart negotiation

As a non-burger, it still blows my mind that, not only the n-word is taboo, but that even including it in quotes or pics is absolutely verboten.

I posted a story on here last year about Oklahoma University having a big protest and "symbolic" group hunger strike (led by the "Black Emergency Response Team") over a white professor reading the word out loud from some sort of historical document while teaching a class.

One of their primary demands was for the university to open a Popeyes on campus.

Popeyes is part of the demands in every single BLM protest.

Reminder that Reddit banned hatecrimehoaxes because disproving the narrative is "promoting hate."

I went to Hate Crime Hoaxes because while it’s mostly people rage laughing at shit like this there’s usually some galaxy brain conspiracy drama. Tbh I forgot about the sub for at least the least year or two.

Apparently it got yalled


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I didn't you mongoloid

I see the demand for hate crimes continues to outstrip the supply.