On this day in 2013, Margaret Thatcher died after bravely standing up to leftoids for almost 90 years.

1  2021-04-09 by 641232

Rest in peace Saint Thatcher, you have been missed. Wish you were still with us - we need you now more than ever.


Pour one out for a real OG

Eric Andre: so you're all about girl power?

Mel B: oh yes.

EA: did margret thatcher show girl power?

MB: yes of course

EA: do you think she effectively showed girl power by funneling money into illegal paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland?

funneling money into illegal paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland


The H*bernians got what was coming to them.

I forgot about that.


We'll never see the like of the iron cunt again

Is that not DT?

I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. On this day in 2013, Margaret Thatc... - archive.org, archive.today*

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The death of Margaret Thatcher is nothing more than a salient reminder of how Britain got into the mess that we are in today. Of why ordinary working people are no longer able to earn enough from one job to support a family; of why there is a shortage of decent affordable housing... of why cynicism and greed became the hallmarks of our society. Raising a glass to the death of an infirm old lady changes none of this. The only real antidote to cynicism is activism. Don't celebrate – organise!

She was a really good character on the lastest season of The Crown. That Gillian Anderson still has it.

That Gillian Anderson still has it.

For 52 definitely. The make up they put on her seems to make her a lot older looking along with a bit uglier on purpose and she still looks good for a grandma.

Why are we celebrating the Br*tish?

Normally I won’t celebrate bongs, but girl power Maggie is a landchad that evicted the Falklands.

The English speaking countries with their vaccines are saving the world again

The Leafs aren't doing shit.

Their shortcomings have been overblown. 17% have gotten at least one dose. The countries above are Israel (made a deal with Pfizer to share health data of all citizens), UK, USA, oil-rich tiny Bahrain. Then comes the countries China wants to increase influence over by giving them a dog shit vaccine. How bad? A recent study from Chile finds one dose to be only 3% effective. The countries in which China wants increase influence are in Eastern Europe and South America because they're close to USA and EU (Chile, Uruguay, Serbia, Hungary). China has also given a ton of vaccines to Brazil and Turkey, which aren't far behind Canada, but again it's a vaccine so shitty that no English speaker would ever take it.

Huh. New pizzashill alt

Living up to your flair nicely

TBF she would probably call the extreme right extremely cunty.

Imagine mourning for a mayoess.

and she dunked on coal miners and other scum, so she is triggering contemporary cons as well