After 20 Years and Trillions of Dollars, America Retreats After Losing Another War. Press F for the end of the Hegemony.

1  2021-04-14 by Leylinus


You gotta realize the sunken cost fallacy sooner or later. I wonder who goes in to snatch up that territory? China, Russia?

Afghanistan also known as the Grave of Empires

I'd rather we run away. Clearly the Talibans there are accepted enough to keep getting into their government. Just leave that place to CCP and Russia. Let them deal with the Talibans.

So would I. No one in Afghanistan ever did anything to me.

But all opportunities to mock the US military must be taken.

Interesting perspective Ley. I feel the brass and the leadership is just disgraceful. Glad there won't be any innocent American lives lost any more, as well as Afghan Civilians.

We still have Syria and Iraq, so it's not like you're out of materials.

Things are going to suck for the people not liking the Talibans. Hope they'll find a way to get through that.

Good Point. If Russia or China do take over there would be a strong incentive to get the Taliban to help the counter forces in Iraq. Syria I don't think the US is in but the people they are arming would be targeted. This could be a worse move.

I mean mocking them for losing again.

Biden pushing back into Syria was sad, but I don't think they'll accomplish much.

Fair enough.

I don't even know what kind of objective we have there. Assad isn't getting Mossad. Might as well to just focus on Iraq and kick out the Shi'ites this time.

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Out-fucking skilled.

Fucking TOLD OFF

Also I'm surprised Biden is going for it. Who gets to pull the trigger and leave and ultimately be blamed for the second Al-Qaeda gains power again was always a game of political football.

Biden probably knows he aint gunna have a second term so hats off to him for his sacrifice I guess lmao.

I never understood how a bunch dipshits from Saudi Arabia who were know to the CIA pulled off 9/11. After seeing the fallout from trump and this pandemic I have confidence that our government and institutions are staffed and led by complete fucking morons. Even this war could have been easily won. I think.

I'm not sure how much shit he'll take tbh. The Iraq pull out, rise of ISIS, and then re-entry didn't hurt Obama that much.

Personally, I'm just excited for another reason to dunk on America's military.

Was isis not part of the US strategy. Basically cold war strategy to arm up groups

Tbf the Iraq pull out was agreed to by Bush.

The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. combat forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011

DDR and Obama were a blessing for Bush. He has faced almost zero scrutiny in the past few years. DDR even made him look better in comparison.

True. Obama was a cunt. He could and should have done more.




Except no actually because this isn't "Biden decides to withdraw troops" this is "Biden keeps the troops there longer" because he's extending the existing withdrawal date

Except yes actually, because they're still running away. It's just going to take a bit longer to junk all the equipment.

The Taliban is already openly in control of part of the country and will take back the rest once the US finishes packing up.

Except yes actually, because they're still running away. It's just going to take a bit longer to junk all the equipment.

The Taliban is already openly in control of part of the country and will take back the rest once the US finishes packing up.

Hello fellow internet foreign US policy expert ✌️

You just need to read the back cover of books US generals advised reading 4-5 years ago to know what they have in mind, meaning stop pretending and exposing dumbly to international eyes / foreign threats US troops in uniforms and keeping only the special forces/"private" forces on the ground that you would have a hard time to distinguished from your average afghan insurgent

Keep only the Cia networks and high skilled us personal to deter the rag heads taking over the Afghan Government, protecting civilians from blowbacks / deadly retaliations

Will it be enough or a viable startegy on the long term , that's a better unknown 🙋


It's a compelling argument so I've to respond 😌

Don't get me wrong that's not really traditional warfare with a winner and a loser, Afghans are mountainous people who are tough, relentless and as the summary said, can get sometimes financial or material support from outsiders it's gonna be a forever battle for the US special forces but they love that shit

You can't lose a war you aren't officially in, so without public pressure to pull out they have time to decide what are the objectives they want to achieve. Also, even if the Talibans are resourceful, a constant bullying from US drones and others gadgets is gonna be exhausting for them, they will have a hard time settle camps, recruiting new members, having to do more rotations etc while the US drone pilots in Arizona will be sipping ice tea 🍵

They already lost 😂

I bet you think the US lost in Vietnam too ✌️😌

It did. The US military is a joke.

This will make it an even bigger joke.

Tthe media killed the US war effort in Vietnam. Around that time television became widely adopted and Americans coming home could turn on the TV to see soldiers, raping, murdering, and committing war crimes against people that had nothing, or lived almost primitively. It's one of the reasons why they are so well documented. The losses in Vietnam were comparable to the Korean war. However, the media was so influential in killing the war effort that now media is censored when it comes to war. I would even say that today's media is more of propaganda tool. There are other things too, but this was pretty huge.

You think it won't get delayed again?

The Taliban is probably only allowing this delay because of the easy infidel bussy. But based on my observations, those sorts of relationships are rarely long term.

Technically right, but let's not pretend DDR's date was some carefully selected deadline and not a date he totally pulled out of his ass.

9/11 is a pretty auspicious day to pick and they already said they don't need pre conditions for withdrawal. Pretty sure this time itshappening.jpg

countdown to the next CIA backed terrorist event happens so they have a “reason to stay”

If they blew up a bunch of New Yorkers today, half of America would say it was a good thing.