Does coming out as gay make your past sins go away? Find out on this week of TheBachelor

1  2021-04-14 by HumanBread

See pinned thread, “TW”x2400 incoming

Short of it: past bachelor harasses and stalks contestant after his 15 minutes is up, young bachelor nation turns on him, comes out as gay this morning, main sub does not know how to react other than sharing traumatic stories about themselves and arguing whether he’s now high enough on the oppression pole or this is another case of Miss ah gen knee

Oh also, first gay bachelor!


Yeah. As a non-religious person I can’t imagine Colton’s pain. But I especially feel awful for women when they are mistreated and then the partner comes out. Suddenly what they suffered through is overshadowed by the partners “struggle and bravery”. I hope that doesn’t happen for Cassie.

This!!! Thank you. My husband came out after we had two kids. One was a baby. It was the hardest and worst thing I’ve ever been through. It’s truly devastating.

Yep! I went through this when my husband came out after we had a child... I can’t even describe the level of gaslighting and confusion. I’m happy for him and we are on good terms now, but it was shitty for everyone involved at the time.

Those poor women, I can't imagine how hard it must be to realize that you're so bad at it that you literally turned your husband gay, my thoughts and prayers go to them.

If you've got a wife and kids then you should just accept that you've missed the bussy boat. Imagine breaking up a family just so you can slam ass.

The Spacey is probably the greatest deflection move in history. Definitely a good move to pull, might as well get some clout out of it.

He got his own Netflix series out of it, so it worked out for him

is he working again?

I was referring to Colton, sorry. I don’t think Spacey is back yet

I thought it was already an open secret that he was gay. Some unknown coming out won't be nearly as effective.

No, but coming out as a drama poster in 2023 under Supreme Dominantrix president Harris will get you gulagged in a Social Justice Education Anti Evil Reduction Center


It will until white girls stop enjoying RuPaul