Anyone got the thread or name from the guy who posted fanfic to hit TwoXChromosomes' frontpage?

1  2021-04-14 by Psyman2

Some dramaturd made it his mission to hit TwoXChromosomes' frontpage with creative writing shit. Even made new accounts for each story.

He spent a whole month during summer because of course he did.

Anyone got the thread on r/drama where he posted screenshots or remember his name?


Oh I remember that thread. Didn't he do relationships posting but it got boring so he switched to 2x?

Correct. He said it was too easy and he hit FP with multiple accounts simultanously.

Found it!

It's either this post (All the posts he linked to got nuked by jannies but just use removeddit)

Or this post but that guy edited his post to just be a racial slur. Here's a link to the archive of it.

How weird is it seeing pinging in those posts.

Yea man/womyn/otherkin. Great work!

I remember that, he posted a confession to the sub that he has a legitimate addiction to doing it. If it helps you find it I don't think he mentioned TwoXChromosomes in the post title, but he did mention arr relationships.
