Dementia D🅰️ddy Communist comes out as an islamophobe by daring to disagree with Congresswoman Talib about abolishing the police. Twitter immediately labels him a narc.

1  2021-04-15 by busslordlowkeybussin


Two women discuss this nuanced issue:

Woman 1:

He is right. Abolish mean: formally put an end to. Can you imagine society without police? All the mass shooting, hold-up, murders, rape, conjugal violence, etc

Woman 2:

You mean the stuff that is already happening all the effing time now?

Woman 1:

I mean, if this all ready happening, imagine without the police!!

Woman 2:

But we wouldn’t have the violence that the police instigate every single day.


Bernie is a cop.

I respect Sen Sanders, but he's not the one who's being shot down in the street like a rabid dog.

The Hill article

it's 2021. no one still talking about "police reform" is worth listening to. and that very much includes Bernie Sanders

society has moved past the need for bernie sanders

tired of defending this biden supporter

Let's examine what police do; minor crimes, basically nothing. Try to get help about a stolen bike, you're lucky to be laughed at. Major crimes, tape a perimeter and let forensics work while you look for some mook to pin charges on. Oh and shoot unarmed civilians.

I respect Sen Sanders, but he's not the one who's being shot down in the street like a rabid dog.

This is kind of a tangent, and I'm not specifically calling you a rightoid, but I'm always confused by rightoids posting statistics showing more wh*te people getting shot by the police as an argument against police reform. Do m*yo rightoids not care about the Daniel Shavers of the US?

you're right I'm not a r*ghtoid, but speaking as a mayonnaise: yes, I do care about the daniel shavers of the world. It makes me mad when anyone of any variety gets killed for absolutely no reason whatsoever, it's just senseless. I don't care about his case because we're both paleskins, I care because it was a fucked up thing that happened

And the cops got away scott free. Maybe m*yos need their own riots instead of being like 50% of the BLM riots.

Maybe m*yos need their own riots

I BEEN sayin

shot down in the street like a rabid dog

They didn't really think that one through did they

These people don't really understand anything about political theory at all.

I unironically think the police should stop investigating murders and sexual assaults of black victims as this would greatly reduce black incarceration.

Lmao imagine being a Bernie bro who started following politics in 2016. There's this leftist senator that inspires a bunch of young people. He plays a huge role in pushing the keyboard activists to become communist. Then time and time again, they find out he's just a very left liberal and not actually a communist.

It must shatter their core every time.

BeRnIe iS A RiGhT WiNgEr iN EuRoPe

Denouncing publicly that open borders were a "Koch proposal" was pretty third position of him 😌


Ever since he had a hard on for Amazon I can't stand the guy. Like he clearly is politicking and that tarnishes his image in my mind. Like MF why don't you go after Walmart. I remember not to long ago women had to blow managers for extra shifts there, what about that?

...going after Walmart instead of Amazon? You're over a decade behind the times. Amazon already pushed Walmart to the brink years ago.

I agree. What I am saying though is Walmart is still run the way it was decades ago. Bernie is a massive political whore. Going after Amazon is easy marketing. Right? It's a large website and everyone SJW's crony retail corporations and both rightoids, and cetre of rightoids cosplaying as lefties want to take them down. I think Amazon is one of the greatest companies in the US. I also think a lot of the reports about Amazon are BS. Like Drivers peeing in bottles that is not a new thing especially if you can't find a bathroom.

Oh oh. How will bernie bros spin this now?

They should abolish the police and let the FDA take over their jurisdiction.