10 signs that you project issues in your personal life onto discussions about popular entertainment. You won't believe what's #1!

1  2021-04-15 by SandorClegane_AMA


are people seriously STILL talking about this GOT shit? it's been like 4 years, get over it

Yeah I'm still angry they cancelled Rome for that horseshit

I had an English teacher in high school that was so pissed about it being cancelled that we spend two class periods watching a couple episodes in lieu of some bullshit about James Joyce. Cool teacher and no one ever snitched.

It's like getting a blow job but not letting someone finish. That's why many people are pissed. I can empathize. If anything I would agree let this be lesson in crony capitalism +entertainment.

just watch good tv like the sopranos, mad men, BB, etc instead of playtime pretend fairy hour

4 shows that are always on my rewatch list:

Sopranos, the Wire, Mad Men, Oz.

Soprano's is my jam. A lot of similarities between Soprano's and GOT. Not the story but in other things.

A lot of similarities between Soprano's and GOT. Not the story but in other things.

please elaborate

They’re both full of nitrates, that shits no good for you



not really looking for any mayo-ass opinions on this matter, but thanks. I'll holler at you if I need any Friends or Frasier takes tho

Look, you can call me white, but don't you DARE call me a Friendscel

you don't have to lie to me, pep

Excellent casting. Not these goofball hollywood superstars. Asides from sean bean I can't think of another A lister in GOT. Excellent talent. Both casts brought their A game. Excellent Writing and story telling (Exception GOT season 5+6). Those are the similarities. These elements made the art immersive and addictive. Another great example, Seinfeld.


crony capitalism


Sandor, what the fuck does the official GOT account tweeting “Winter is Coming” mean? Are they just hyping up HOTD or did Gurm finally fucking finish winds?

It mean HBO is marketing a show that is available from them on stream, based on it being the 10 year anniversary of the premiere.

This reads like a dril tweet


Is this euphemism for cock fights?

Seasons 5 onwards was a lot of docking.

Season 5 does not get enough hate.

Dude this ain't drama unless it triggers a certain sub. Also this pussy made so only certain people can reply. Absolute cunt. The women you linked to is fucking sad.

Yes. That's the point. Fucking sad.

It's drama - she's angry that HBO are promoting their biggest ever TV show and ranting about her baby daddy.

It's all G man. I don't wanna mass with the mountain.