Looks like he really could breathe

1  2021-04-15 by TheColdTurtle


Invest in dramacoin NOW! Hold! Hold!

On for

I'm amazed that the trial has taken a total 180 over the past week. I thought he was fucked, now I think we all are.

If it was a blood choke then oxygen saturation doesn't really matter. Regardless, this is certain to kick up a lot of shit, especially since normal people don't really grasp what a blood choke is and instead think that people die from suffocation when put in choke holds.

If it was a blood choke then the whole "I can't breathe" angle is bogus.

I haven't really been following the case. Did the defense actually claim he was being suffocated?

The prosecution had some MMA bro who was at the scene claim that Chauvin was doing a "blood choke". A really nice catchy headline for twatter. The cross examination you didn't hear about went like this

"the blood choke you describe requires pressure on both corotid arteries is that correct?"


"and those arteries are located on the left and right side of the neck. Is that correct?"


[the prosecutions own image of Chauvin and Floyd on screen]

"can you describe where pressure is being applied to Mr Floyd in this image and from your recollection?"

"to the back of the neck"

Oh yeah and this witness was then prompted to admit he was telling the cops he was gonna beat the shit out of them or something.

He was 1 of many witnesses that it was absolutely mind boggling to me that the prosecution would even call. Its like they either keep forgetting that the defense actually gets to respond to them or they are playing a different game all together. Perhaps one to do with social media and public perception...

I've been saying this for months: We're gonna have a reverse OJ result. The jury will ignore all evidence and find him guilty because "that's what society wants." Just like OJ was found not guilty as a response to the police involved with Rodney King getting let off.

Yeah but there was also the glove don't fit shit along with the LAPD having a guy with a history of racism drop the hard r on tape despite claiming under oath he hadn't done that for years, who took then took the fifth when asked if he'd ever tampered with evidence. It was the perfect storm of a good lawyer blowing the shit out of a badly handled prosecution.

Btw that racist evidence planting cop is now a regular "crime scene expert" for fox news and hannity in particular.

who took then took the fifth when asked if he'd ever tampered with evidence

Seriously? that's hilarious

They also had that glove stunt though, I’m sure that didn’t help considering how stupid the average juror is.

Suit: "Your country needs you. You need... To say the word."

Mark Furman: "I got this"

If you thought the trial took a 180 you weren't paying attention to it in the first place. The prosecution has been an amateur hour shitshow from the start.

The only difference is 1 week ago it was the prosecutions wittenesses being called who were generally able to provide some headline soundbites in their favour. Of course they were all shut down in the cross examination but that is never reported on for some reason.

It's almost as if the journos wanted you to think it was going well at first but I can't fathom a reason why... 🤔

Well, 180 in the sense that, in a politically-charged enough case, it could cause a mistrial or a hung jury.

The media is buttering the public up to riot. The headlines in arr News last week were all along the lines of: "PROSECUTION CARDIOLOGIST TESTIFIES THAT CHAUVIN IS 100% A RACIST MURDERER"

But dramacoin is lookin bullish

And gun stocks.

If that's the case, but he didn't really OD, then how did he die?

Whatever the outcome is, we are now guaranteed a shitstorm after the trial.

The defense once tried to argue that it was the police car's exhaust. He didn't realize that didn't help his clients case at all.

Oh God not another gassing!

I hate to be that guy but there is no proof 6 million of George Floyd's brain cells were killed.

You another Standard Pool Party kind of guys?

Also another reminder that his own (half?) brother testified that George couldn't quote (literal quote "he couldnt boil water") but made some great banana mayo sandwiches. Which, I've never heard of, wtf is up with MN cuisine? Some girl I fucked in college a few times would make those nasty ass mayo, sirachi, and cheese sandwiches. Fucking whypipo I swear to god

Elvis's favourite sandwich was banana, peanut butter and mayo. Thanks for taking the time to read that.

I've never understood if this is like a grilled cheese situation or a deep fryer one

all you need is bread and cheese, ever

everything else is just a bonus or flavor

Pool party?

that really is tacotastic

I would pick a duck flair if they had one.

kites are good...

Flamingos too. Love those fuckers.

Probably having blood cut off from his brain.

Speaking from experience, when on a combination of uppers and downers like he was this really isn't a surprise.

The fent can make your breathing shallow and sometimes make you panic about your breathing being shallow and can then lead to a panic attack. That's why he was freaking out about being unable to breathe long before the knee or any restraint.

When you're on a combination of opiates/opiodes and amphetamine (meth in this case) it can also really fuck with your heart, elevate blood pressure, and make both get worse in response to stress. Why? I have absolutely no idea. But I have felt it.

Having a heart attack under those conditions isn't surprising at all. It'd be weirder if he came out of it fine.

If he had a heart attack wouldn't that have been established already?

I'm pretty sure it has been. That's why preexisting coronary issues and covid were considered factors.

Yeah, quick google confirms that it has been. The question is why.

your breathing shallow and sometimes make you panic about your breathing being shallow and lead to a panic

shit that happens to me almost weekly over the simple shortness of breath that comes from severe nausea and abdominal pain

it sometimes creates a vicious cycle that requires hospitalization to resolve

Wow man. Having had a panic attack like that once, I know how horrible it is. That must be a hell of a burden to bear.

You've got bigger balls than I do to soldier through. I'm certain I'd be permanently zoned out on xannies in your position.

If that's the case, but he didn't really OD, then how did he die?

I'm not expert by any means but the cause of death was IMO a variety of contributing factors. The Defense wants it to be the drugs in his system and his overall shit health due to the drugs. the prosecution wants it to be the cop kneeling on his neck while he was on the ground. The reality is they all contributed to his death, not just one thing over everything else. That's the boring answer though so nobody wants to say it out loud.

The reality is they all contributed to his death, not just one thing over everything else. That's the boring answer though so nobody wants to say it out loud.

Sounds about right. I tried reading the autopsy result, but my brain gave up before I could finish the whole thing.

Guess we'll see how they sides spin it.

To explain this, the defense's witness yesterday said there was a possibility of CO poisioning contributed due to GF's proximity to the exhaust pipe.

The Prosecution pulled a fast one and claimed to the judge that the defense didnt give them a chance to prepare for that. So they got to recall their medical examiner to testify. but they ALSO threw in that they "found" blood tests over night showing his o2 levels.

The judge told the prosecution if they mentioned this "found" blood test data he would declare a mistrial right then and there.

The prosecution calls up their guy. He cant mention the CO levels but he does mention GF's o2 levels, which were 98%.

The defense is pissed because their expert witness is on a plane home and cant testify to refute. They argue really fucking hard to get the mistrial declared.

Its a shit show and we were this close to getting a mistrial.

You are really worked up about this. Writing like you have booklearning and everything.

Achieve nirvana by going down the 1800s and 1900s literature road

so what kinda casios do you have in your collection?

edit: do you plan to get one of those new android g-shocks? they seem pretty neat

"Nooooooo, you can't just play hardball to get a cop convicted! You can only do that to poors!"

so it's already a miscarriage of justice

To explain this, the defense's witness yesterday said there was a possibility of CO poisioning contributed due to GF's proximity to the exhaust pipe.

... There might be a mistrial but it won't be prosecutor misconduct lmao.

This trial seems boring as hell. I'll keep ignoring it and pay attention if it looks like anything will go down.

Closing arguments are this monday so it should be over soon

Thx hun😘

And that is only the TrueTM beginning!


Literally no one thinks he ODed except the fugees.

The cop is gonna fry. 👌🔥

Lame. Hung jury, the cities must burn.

Holy fucking shit, this is massive for dramacoin! Watching the reactions of both sides is like an M. Night Shyamalan movie, there’s so many twists and turns, I fucking love it!

zimmerman ii

(don't say it, or i'll come get you)

Is this like, a “say his name 3 times in the mirror” type situation? Has he come back from the beyond to haunt endless amounts of white Americans?

Cool blog.

Pig put too much oxygen into him.

He had 3 times the lethal dose of fresh air.

I am guessing according to rightoids they are ready to get some grownass man to apply full body weight pressure on their neck for more than 8 minutes while something traumatic is happening to them, because it could never be the reason for someone dying.

I am pretty sure they wont be like Hannity and noping out like a little bit*h.

There’s no reason to get upset