Hot take from one of the hotter members of congress. Call the CIA, Osama Bin 🅱️iden is on the loose.

1  2021-04-16 by busslordlowkeybussin


I like how suddenly everyone on Twitter is an expert on US Supreme Court history.

The cardinal rules of the internet:

  1. Never admit you don't know a thing.

  2. Never stop posting.

You can see the friction inherent in the platform.

That's just pizzashill 101

RIP 🍕🐚. May you return to Reddit another day.

I think Twitter is an attempt at creating an artificial human brain but they're gonna end up creating a literal rslur.

bro remember Tay. It basically became a gamergate degenerate

All AI immediately becomes super racist. That's why they have to hire people now to specifically tweak them around those issues.

Not to familiar with it. Odd. Another way to look at it is superiority is inherently built into machines. Eventually no humans, white, black of anything in-between would be safe.

RIP in power Tay.

As an expert in history I can tell you that the Supreme Court is when they add tomatoes and sour cream to the regular court. It's pretty tasty.

Is it worth the extra though?

NGL, she turns me on. & I am ashamed to admit it.

This except I'm not ashamed

Ya'll got some low standards




She definitely has "gave a handjob to the football coach to get her son off the bench" milf vibes

Of course there is an entire website dedicated to funko pops and of course they spend their time writing clapbacks on twitter.

This chick is 7/10, you call that hot?

In comparison to the rest of the Congress critters? Yes.

fake tits

fake tan

anorexic build


“one of the hotter members of Congress”

I was going to say she's not hot, but then technically she is one of the hotter members of congress. Well Played OP.

She is politics hot. You have to remember we grade them on a less strict curve. There is a reason AOC is a 10 in politics but probably a 7 anywhere else. Those milkers of hers give her a lot of points.

She is top tier. Quirky personality. Nice. Intelligent. Strong. Various physical Assets.

Young Hillary and Nancy were okay too. I don't think I'd have a shot with boebert being a minority and all, but even if I did I just don't find her appealing. We should really get Jenna Jamison into congress. Same mentality as boebert, slight less r-slurred.

delete this

Bask in my degeneracy


Is she the one that's a pro wrestler's incest lovechild?

In my search for hot pictures of Boebart, I may have come across a contender for right wing baddie. Decent looks, vapid opinions.

Edit: I did not find any media of Boebart appealing. Maybe that's why she could only bag a pedo?