The EU considers a ban on mass surveillance/social credit scores. This is generally welcomed by yuropoors… except for one programmercel who completely loses his marbles.

1  2021-04-16 by ChapoDestroyer



Personal loan/credit rates? Destroyed.


Social services for the prevention of terrorist attacks


monitoring of child pornography/etc.? Destroyed.


Modern HR industry? Destroyed.


This guy singlehandedly got all quadrants of le compass to agree with that law

WTF? I love EU now!

Some things that come from the EU are okay (like GDPR) but overall the EU is a cringe leftist shithole.

Show me one actually leftist (not liberal!) thing that came out of EU.

leftist (not liberal!)

Tbh I'm not that informed on what the differences are, but some examples to illustrate what I mean:

Refugee quotas/lack of border security, various EU-wide legislation (lightbulb bans, European Firearms Directive), subsidies for pretty much anything (from farming and infrastructure projects to stuff like electric cars), financial support for various leftist NGOs telling us Eastern Europeans how socially backwards we are.

Other than subsidies (and that's arguable) - none of this shit is leftist, just liberal nonsense.

Do you know how many things will be destroyed in the IT world by banning such a thing as "Predicting human traits"?

Targeted advertising? Destroyed. Personal loan/credit rates? Destroyed. Social services for the prevention of suicide/terrorist attacks/monitoring of child pornography/etc.? Destroyed. Modern HR industry? Destroyed. ALL MODERN MARKETING (You have an idea how much statistical data companies collect before they release their next product)? Destroyed.

These "Proposals" sound to knowledgeable people like proposal: "let's ban the Internet".

This field of technology is still new, not yet explored. It is poorly regulated and the data collection practice itself is gray as shit. BUT:

This is the problem of the entire Internet and the low digital literacy of people. And not "AI that can predict human traits".

People don't know that their every action is a social media will be forever imprinted on the Internet. And these will be used until either creation of regulations regarding the work of social networks and their publicly available data, or until people gained digital consciousness and understands: "You are a commodity, and any activity you do online is traceable and saleable."

I like how he thinks anyone gives a fuck about how it affects marketing

Oh fuck not the modern HR industry, we have to declare war on the Europe again!

Umm based EU fucking over silicon Valley r slurs and their glowni***r compatriots in three letter organizations.

He's not wrong about this law theoretically banning the entire internet, you know.

It's just that he doesn't realize no one will enforce a law like this to its full extent. Especially the Europeans.

Having laws that sound way more autistic in paper than they are in reality is a proud tradition among Euros, you see.

Of course he’s R*ssian, who would have thought. My country has gone to shit, man.


Russian history is actually just a list events that caused quality of life to drop for the ruskies

Targeted advertising? Destroyed. Personal loan/credit rates? Destroyed. Social services for the prevention of suicide/terrorist attacks/monitoring of child pornography/etc.? Destroyed. Modern HR industry? Destroyed. ALL MODERN MARKETING (You have an idea how much statistical data companies collect before they release their next product)? Destroyed.

Is he trying to make me cum?

This dude's livelihood: Destroyed.

until people gained digital consciousness and understands: "You are a commodity, and any activity you do online is traceable and saleable."

What a fucking tool, lol.

EU already showed its run by r-slur boomers with the GDPR laws. I'm sure they'll screw this up as well.

Plus some of this stuff like personalized loans, insurance rates etc are good actually, because otherwise responsible people end up subsidizing irresponsible rslurs. And if you say, but what if you're misclassified, my answer is that then businesses are losing money by not classifying me correctly and I'll trust the invisible hand to rectify that more than literally any amount of regulations.

Loans should be inaccessible to everyone. Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

If there is one thing I learned about lockdowns is it really brought the kind of people that want to show off how good they are at following the rules and snitching on those who didn't.

nooooo not the heckin data collecting roboterinos noooooooooo let them have all your data for marketing reeeeeeeeee

These "Proposals" sound to knowledgeable people like proposal: "let's ban the Internet".

And that's a bad thing??

I for one believe in (data) science.

If that entire industry goes bankrupt, the Python community would greatly improve.