Child receives donations from adoring fans

1  2021-04-16 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


The whole Kenosha saga is dumb. Usually I'm the side of the black guy getting shot but Jacob Blake definitely deserved it. And Rittenhouse, as much of a dumbass as he is for protecting property he doesn't own, should get off on self defense. Idk about him illegally having the gun and all, not sure how Wisconsin law works. But the video from the event is pretty clear, Rittenhouse was running away from a crowd and didn't fire the first shot.

He literally killed a pedo and it's funny how some news have a problem with it

You're right. The kid was definitely an idiot for going to that round-up, but what he did that night was clearly self-defense, as he would have a hard time walking out of it if he wasn't packing, or had some pretty good skills handling his weapon.

See, this is what confuses me about you burgers. You seem to honestly think that deliberately putting yourselves in clearly insanely dangerous situations and then extricating yourselves from them via murder is somehow perfectly okay - which is confusing to real people from normal countries.

Too many Hollywood antihero movies or something? I don't know...

You seem to honestly think that deliberately putting yourselves in clearly insanely dangerous situations and then extricating yourselves from them via murder is somehow perfectly okay

perhaps if you foreign savages could gain some insight in objective thinking, it would not be as difficult to understand as you made it out to be.

Let me spell it out for you, so you may relay it back to your tribesmen:

What is dumb about the kid: deliberately putting himself in a "clearly insanely dangerous situation."

Is it okay for him to do it: it is highly not recommended, but it is his funeral, after all.

What the kid did was okay: protecting himself from being beaten, and potentially killed, in that insanely dangerous situation.

Is he a dumb kid who almost won the stupid prize for playing the stupid game? Yes he was.

Was he wrong to defend himself, and instead stand there and get trashed by the mob? No.

Are you a rslur for failing even such a simple logical process? Most definitely.

The difference between my tribesmen (and other tribes of the civilised world) and your rslurred little death cult, is that we understand the concept of proportionality. It is absolutely okay for some cretin to put himself in mad situations, sure. What I find objectionable is that you also find it okay to use murder to get out of them.

Let me give you an example - say that I go to a biker joint and start calling all the fine people there fslurs. When they understandably (and very predictably) become indignant, I shoot the whole place up. Assuming I somehow survive the encounter - would your (unbelievably rslurred) logic say that "was okay" as well? Replace biker joint with a gay bar. Or a black bar (and insert an appropriate insult). Or a rival gang hangout.

Where does "protecting himself from being beaten, and potentially killed, in that insanely dangerous situation" end, and some bullshit anarchist vigilante nonsense begin?

Burgers can't "logic" that far, though, unfortunately. The unbelievable level of shelteredness (and thus fear of any confrontation, due to how unknown it is) combined with truly idiotic bloodthirstiness make you rather pathetically shit at thinking things through in a way that a civilised person might...


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Eurangutans in action

That video was pretty fucking terrifying. It was a situation no one should have been at, yet the white guy with a gun who was chased after by other mayos gets all the blame because he probably would have died otherwise

He probably would have got off with a light beating, the crowd was mayo.