Subreddit devoted to combating degeneracy, reaffirms 🐴👞 with a stickied post about how child drawings aren’t that bad and that AKSHUALLY they prevent attacks on kids. Enjoy. Don’t even think about looking at it, inkwell

1  2021-04-17 by beewhyohb



Attack it that's cool I'm just making. A blank point based of legiallty since squares circle and lines on paper are what make that group hard not real thing but ye

*That's the full comment. I copied and pasted it all. No cut off.

Thoth weeps

Haha this mfer got yalled in 2 hours. I guess pêdos really do control reddit.

On a side note anyone else got a 👀?

When you clicked on their history to follow the 👀s the 1st thing you would see was a big bold gaymer word in their personal subreddit.

I mean it's literally just drawings. I'm not a weirdo or anything, it's just common sense. That's like comparing violence in a video game to violence in real life.

If you cum to violent images, I'm not letting you near my children either.

That's fine, I'm just saying eating an apple is different than eating an apple someone drew with crayons

Why should I believe you actually prefer pictures of apples over apples and aren't just eating the pictures because you've never had the chance to eat an apple?

Can I leave you alone in a room with an apple and trust you won't touch it?

At what point did I say anything about any of that? I'm literally telling you that they're different, and you're taking the analogy to a stupid degree and ignoring my point. Neither action has anything in common. In one, an apple is eaten, and in the other, no apple was eaten.

One is a crime with a victim. The other has literally no victim. You're crusading against something that hurts nobody to make your social score go up instead of actually making a difference in the world. At least there are people who report actual shit to the FBI, you're wringing your hands over pixels.

Ok, pedo

I'm literally telling you that they're different, and you're taking the analogy to a stupid degree and ignoring my point.

"Noooo, you can't build off my analogy! My analogy is for proving me right! Stop exploring it right now 😡"

But you're literally not. You're not even fixing any problems, you're taking the laziest way out possible and acting like you're helping. You're literally less useful than a blue checkmark.

Catching pedos at the first warning sign and tagging them for life is a useful strategy for maintaining their population.

Maybe a prison sentence would be excessive, but being blacklisted from websites where children might be found, jobs where interactions with children could occur, and a lifetime of constant surveillance sound perfectly reasonable.

Lmao, no it's not. Like, not even remotely.

You're literally prescribing that someone who looks at drawings to be punished as if they were an actual child molester. You know, where children are actually victimized, but now you're saying that a work of fiction is like totally the same bro. So now we have an interesting precedent - did you go on a killing spree in grand theft auto? Off to prison for you, just in case.

No, acting pedos get the rope.

And if you can prove a desire to commit crimes because of my gaming, sure. I can prove you cum to children.

I mean it's literally just drawings. I'm not a weirdo or anything, it's just common sense.

Nah not a weirdo. If you get off on depictions of children looking cartoons you’re a pedo which is way worse.

Eating an apple is different than eating a drawing of one. Literally.

Congratulations you’re just sexually aroused by depictions of children and haven’t jumped to sexual assaulting a live one yet? You’re still a disgusting pedo turned on by children.

Sorry, what? I'm pointing out obvious differences. If you start treating non-issues the same way as real issues you end up cheapening the problem itself. Feel free to cry over drawings on the internet - that's you're right. But don't try to fool anyone into believing you've accomplished anything.

"Yeah I dunked on some dudes jerking it to some pretty sus drawings" 😎

"Yeah but did you stop any kids from getting molested?"


Sorry, what? I'm pointing out obvious differences. If you start treating non-issues the same way as real issues you end up cheapening the problem itself. Feel free to cry over drawings on the internet - that's you're right. But don't try to fool anyone into believing you've accomplished anything.

"Yeah I dunked on some dudes jerking it to some pretty sus drawings" 😎

"Yeah but did you stop any kids from getting molested?"


you end up cheapening the problem

What? No? I wouldn’t expect a pedo to understand nuance tho so let me simplify it.

Person who gets off to children = pedo

Person who gets off to children and acts on it = pedo + sex criminal

Okay, but they're not children. Literally. Like, inarguably. Unless you want to campaign for pixel rights.

What? No? I wouldn’t expect a pedo to understand nuance tho so let me simplify it.

"Anyone that tells me no is a pedophile"

Man, you sure dunked on me. Keep it up an you'll get a nobel prize for saving fictional drawings.

...aaaand OP has been sitewide y'alled.

Pictures of actual children should only be illegal because it's copright infringement, which is something the state is right to regulate. As loli is the copyrighted materials produced by legal aged people they should be kosher.

Anyone who happened to see OPs post history before they got yeeted knows why they were banned lol.