Legalizing incest is the stepping stone to legalizing pedophilia

1  2021-04-17 by __TIE_Guy


We should regulate porn like the Dems want to regulate guns.

I want a national coomer registration and I want it publicly accessible, to not only who is on the coomer list, but a record of what the coomer watches, for how long and what parts of the video the coomer skips.

If the left can side with me on that, I'll get behind a gun registration.

Will never happen because the rightoids in Congress cling way too dearly to c()ck porn to make any meaningful change in this country.

In all seriousness I do agree.

The coomer that klller the Asian massage girls last month probably watched asian degradation porn.

I'll take it a step further, I'd be fine with red flag laws as long as a coomers porn habits are on the table for firearm ownership revocation.

I'll take it another step because gun ownership happens to be protected by the constitution, we introduce red flag voting laws.

I'm all about compromise.

asian degradation porn.

WTF? The only silver lining is that piece of shit will hopefully be put in with the general population. I hope he lives long and suffers every fucking day.

I also agree that there needs to be laws to regulate 2A. Your last point there your saying revoking people's right to vote based on you know conditions.

Voting and gun ownership are both protected by the constitution.

Most Americans are r-slurred, should we really let everyone vote and own a gun, I think not.

I think introducing a 28th amendment stating that if you want to coomsume porn you must register for access and give up all the other aforementioned rights this country would be in a much better place.

Slow down there, champ. Your ideas are getting way too based, let the rest of us catch up with the thought process here.

I got carried away serious posting. Thanks for checking me.




You know I was thinking about this and I gotta be honest I agree. Biggest weakness of a democracy is the people. you can convince them to vote against there own interests. As great as America is the people in charge I don't have a lot of faith. Pretty much since bush it has been down hill.

I think me and you are on the same page. Like for voting at minimum you should have a grade 12 and critical thinking should need an 80% to pass high school.

With guns. I think Increasing the age of ownership to late 20's would be good, exceptions I guess hunting, limit cartridges to 5 rounds or something.

Porn is a tough one due to the internet. I think that would need international cooperation and regulation at the local level.

Porns easy to regulate. Block it and then block common ports used for VPN's.

Porn is blocked in most Islamic countries, but they don't go far enough, they leave the ports used for VPN's open because muh business.

Pretty simple fix, block all vpn ports, create a gov owned vpn solution that the gov owns the keys that allows them to break and inspect VPN sessions and run those sessions though propritory ports and if anyone tries to bypass it they'll put away for a minimum of 10 years.

Someday they'll make me king.

I don't have a problem with the production of porn. I think that may be a difference between us. Like porn can be a legitimate form of media, the way it is and it's history it has not been.

Porn degrades women and brings shame to their families.

There's absolutely nothing legitimate about degrading women. They should be cherished.

There's a big difference between us, porn is degenerate and coomsumers and it's manufactures have no place in society.

You make some good points. I do agree Porn as it is does degrade women. I also agree women are vunerable in this world.

But we both need to understand and this perhaps maybe you could comment on, is that there are people out there that will raise women and discard them. They just will not be as you say cherished.

There will always be women that will use there body to survive.

Make no mistake this industry is built one exploitation of these women.

How do you address those things?

I’ll take it another step because gun ownership happens to be protected by the constitution, we introduce red flag voting laws.

Also a $200 voter registration fee every year. And insurance if your candidate fucks shit up.

In all seriousness really weird how buying a cheap ass ID is racist, etc. but a $200 yearly license, possibly a tax stamp and insurance to own a gun isn’t a “poor tax” in the eyes of progs. Imagine being a guncel that has a home protection piece and maybe 2-3 long barrels for hunting/yearly trip to the range. Now Uncle Daddy Joe starts taxing that. Gets the noggin joggin 🤔

The American voter is responsible for every war crime ever committed. Countries affected by our endless wars should be able to sue individual voters that made the wars happen.

I like the way you think

or he just shot what he assumed were hookers at massage parlors and those are more often than not asian

i'm sure he watched degrading porn of some kind obviously

Didn't the UK make a porn loisence a thing?

It got blown way out of proportion (and that's a good thing).

If you weren't going into a physical porn shop to buy something you didn't want linked to your IP address, you won't have noticed any difference.

Or we could just get rid of the porn companies. No reason it has to be legal when prostitution isn't. Makes very little sense actually.

I'm certain society would be much healthier returning to the traditional model. Little to no porn, lots of hookers.

I agree, but whores and men that use their services should be at the lowest social rung.

Unable to vote or own firearms.

What's interesting about gulf counties is the marriage contract specifies whether or not their a virgin. If they are found to be a liar they're not entitled to any financial support.

We should incorporate that in the west.

Whores should be, as is traditional. Just like actors.

However, using whores should be encouraged for young men. That way they can learn what they're doing before they get married without turning regular women into pass arounds and single mothers.

It should not be encouraged by young men. If it happens, whatever, but it shouldn't be encouraged.

Premarital sex should be discouraged.

I can't say I agree. There are certainly arguments that women shouldn't have premarital sex because single mothers are a societal disaster, but I suspect young men fucking whores would produce healthier men than masturbating to porn.

But your way would still probably be better than what we have now.

All sex should be discouraged.

Would horses count as whores or as wholesome lovers?


Will I still be allowed to conceal-carry my nephew?

the rightoids in Congress cling way too dearly to c()ck porn

Did you mean porn with penises in it? Those degenerates!

You'll never convince me that the sudden and overwhelming push of incest porn was just a response to pre-existing demand.

I can conceive of an economic argument for pushing it on consumers in hopes they will embrace it. It's the cheapest kind of fetish porn to make, since it requires nothing but adding a line of dialogue onto otherwise vanilla scenes. But even if this is the case, it still makes these companies actively detrimental to their customers and to society.

What if I told you those porn studios were in the business of making money and only produced what got them the most user engagement and subscriptions? It's a wild concept I know.

The idea of perfect economic actors in business has become shockingly common, but has little in common with reality.


Exactly the facial expression I'd expect from some teenager that hasn't realized that adults with impressive jobs aren't actually hyper competent like on tv.

People aren't actually perfect economic actors and there is no invisible hand making things perfect. Even economists that actually lean in that direction would admit as much.

"Not perfect so it shit" - 🐵🧠

I didn't say anything was shit.

You're the one arguing that all business decisions are made by perfect economic actors that hold no personal beliefs, biases, desires, or flaws.

Hey, how do companies fail again? 🤔

Mate you were acting like people don't watch the shit out of incest porn. Like it or not, it's popular among coomers who pay for porn, hint very few porn watchers pay for it. Almost like people like taboos in their porn.

You're the one arguing that all business decisions are made by perfect economic actors that hold no personal beliefs, biases, desires, or flaws.

Never said this at all. Why is literally everything you say on this sub monstrously stupid? Were you dropped on your head as a child or did you eat too many paint chips?

You rolled your eyes at the assertion that businesses weren't perfect economic actors. Now you're saying that you never said that they were.

The seethe and insults in the rest of your post just makes it clear your argument was never actually about the perfection of the market. You're just a coomer mad that I'm attacking your disgusting fetish.

I literally just told you what I rolled my eyes at. I understand that the lead makes reading comprehension hard, but you need to try a bit harder.

The seethe and insults in the rest of your post just makes it clear your argument was never actually about the perfection of the market.

Lol gramps brain damage isn't enough of an excuse to expect civil discourse on this sub.

You're just a coomer mad that I'm attacking your disgusting fetish.


Lol what? I just said that you're underestimating coomers and that somehow makes me an incester. Skip 🐵🧠 you're straight to 🐌🧠.

You literally rolled your eyes at a comment concerning perfect economic actors. I'm glad you now realize your position was rslurred and have changed it.

expect civil discourse

Most people manage it just fine.

Its not me it's these other people who are definitely into this!

Your parents know what you looked at. They're disgusted.

You literally rolled your eyes at a comment concerning perfect economic actors. I'm glad you now realize your position was rslurred and have changed it.

Lol you said that porn sites make incest porn is an example of them being poor economic actors. This is incorrect because the people who actually pay for their products want that

expect civil discourse

Most people manage it just fine.

On arr drama? 🤣🤣🤣. This is how you know the sub has been cucked for too long. This is a cyberbullying sub. Get over it gramps.

Its not me it's these other people who are definitely into this!

Your parents know what you looked at. They're disgusted.

It's fine. I fucked them both after anyways.


Sears and Nortel Networks (CAN), hell even the previous GME mgmt are example of what you speak of. Someone that I would consider perfect would be Jeff Bezos. One of the best managers out there.

Are you..... implying.... they may have... an ulterior motive?

Hey, how do companies fail again? 🤔

Imagination figment. Companies profits always rise to infinity through perfect managerial decisions, because they are perfectly in tune with what the market wants and their bias never enters into it. At all times. Perfectly!

Yesssss. Oh brother preach please. Often and loud.

Which one is more likely, porn companies spend years manufacturing demand for incest porn on a whim, or porn companies pump out incest porn right as the demand for it spikes after Game of Thrones got big.

This incest porn debacle is pointless anyways because it's all just a red herring.

What they really don't want you to know here is that porn companies actually invented sex to sell more porn.

You know too much

This is what alien historians will teach their school children one day

"Hey step-sister Cersei, do you need help getting unstuck?"

Given the percentage of the major porn sites currently dedicated to incest of one form or another, the majority of people would have had to be into incest.

Are you suggesting that the majority of people are into incest?

Why are you keeping track of the proportions of different types of porn? 🤔

While I don't look at porn very often (I genuinely suspect that it's not good for you), I do still use it every so often. When I do use it, I have to scroll through pages of incest before I can find a rough PoV fuck. And that's having searched for "Rough PoV" or something similar.

Besides, I'm a millennial. I got to watch the change. Any guy over 27 would have absolutely noticed the shift from incest being a small percentage of porn to incest becoming the overwhelming majority of porn.

I also suspect that incest porn, even more than regular porn, is very bad for everyone.

Ok coomer.

So we agree porn is bad. Good.


Reminds me of a giant company (Gillette?) who claimed to put their politics and 'ethics' above money. They said they lost a ton thanks to their politically correct stunt, but it was worth it for the greater cause. Wish I had the link/reference.

I get it, but there is reason why greed is a sin IMO. This is greed and this type of porn is harmful. Wasn't there a community on here that was banned for being pro incest? It was leading to people talking about how to seduce their own children. Even pedophiles now are hooking up with each other to produce children to abuse. Porn is destroying society and we need to regualte it.

I agree. It's just like the catholic school girl, baby sitter, scenario, what have you. The degenerates of these companies push the boundaries and that surely fucks with the heads of the lowest men out there.

Incest porn reaches the largest audience.

There's the weirdo fetish intro for all the freaks, and there's the non-dialogue sex part that all the normal people skip to anyway.

I just skip the fetish parts!

Is that how you're planning to explain your internet history some day? They're not going to buy it.

The records will show I only spend ~40 seconds streaming the video, so I'm good.


Huh, so that’s what the “I” stands for.

Hiding in plain sight all along.

Intersex. It's people like hermaphrodites and other similar conditions.

I really wish I was able to use r-slur right now.

It's ok. You're a member of the r-slur community, so you can say it.

Its fucked up. Legal loop hole that benefits white men so they can't be accused of rape. IMO.

How long until thats an actual headline that ends with "And thats a good thing"

The New York Post is pushing a pro-incest message? I guess Ivanka pulled out the "Daddy, I would but it's illegal" line one too many times.


Americans trying to go back to their British roots i see

Time to play the Le Sexoflex video on Twincest again.