Terrorists attack U.S. soldiers in wartorn city

1  2021-04-19 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


The Minnesota Timberwolves are a failed franchise, as is their state.

The boogs again or? They’re still on trial for the killing and stuff they tried last summer.

Of course mcfluff shows up trying to pin this on rightoids lol

Civil war round 2 is gonna be fucking lit. Then comes the Texas war of independence.

Can't wait to see what a bunch starving, electricity deprived mayos can achieve. Maybe you'll fix that grid in time for the USAF to bomb it.

Regardless of what happens Austin is fucked and that's a good thing.

My first vote for thermonuclear annihilation.

Really? I'd keep Austin over modern NYC any day.

Austin may have a lot of douchey post-hipster whitoids, but at least it's not stuffy and still has just enough Texas to make the combination interesting.

Austin is in the hiv stage before it gets full-blown nyc aids

Wait till the 'Republic of Texas' finds out what we do to uppity desert nations with oil.

Send them a bunch of free bussy for a few decades and then retreat?

Please don't get my hopes up.

Lucky fuckers. I had to spend 2 years in iraq to get my cib.

every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Terrorists attack U.S. soldiers in ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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So they got "shot at". But the only injuries are one dude who got hit by glass fragments and another who tripped. Fat pig probably fell onto a car window.


Sir this is arr drama not politics

Fat pig

You mean Fat future Purple Heart recipient!