"Teen" arrested for open-carrying his AK-47 in the Times Square subway station was allegedly just "confused about New York gun laws"

1  2021-04-19 by fujiste


If he were black, the police would have shot him dead.

My fear is he's a republican jihadist coming to launch a race war. We've already had some of those people - remember the guy a few years ago who drove up from Maryland to kill black people, and ended up killing some homeless guy by Port Authority?

He wasn't immedately executed in a hail of high-velocity rounds from the heavy response antiterrorism unit, so you already know he was white.

Big question is : How did Captain CHUDley make it to times square with his MurderToy without getting interdicted?

Actual comments from local subs (thread id: ms9qtb) about this incident. lol!

das rite 💅🏿

I bet he's happy he voted for Trump. Saved his life.

He just wanted to do hoodrat stuff

Speaking of little Latarian, he's not doing so well. Guy got locked up in January for grand theft and pawn fraud last year, after getting a slap on the wrist for previously carjacking a Lyft he ordered in 2017. Prayers up 🙏🏿

What’s going on with his ear?

systemic racism

Mosquito bite

I wondered why this story was barely mentioned in the 24-hour news cycle.

Proud 2nd amendment activists being supressed by the system smh

Because a mayo shot up a FedEx center in Indianapolis and that's way more juicy than "r-slur was r-slurred enough to open carry a rifle in fucking NYC"

A mass shooting always gets more coverage than dumbass/potentional mass shooter caught with open carry rifle but this story is still unique. It's a fish out of water story about a midwestern young man coming to the big city to make something of himself. Everyone loves a fish out of water story!

Because nobody died

Is that really the only reason?

dunno, but given the wealth of stories involving people who died, stories where people did not die won't pull ratings rn

Then we need to make sure the drama is at maximum level by making sure they always die... in Minecraft of course

And now you know.

New York’s gun laws are pretty stupid. They sent Plaxico Burress to jail for shooting himself rather than the worse crime of wearing sweatpants to the club.

It was the teen’s first appearance in court since he was busted around 12:30 p.m. Friday on the mezzanine level of the A, C and E station, allegedly with the weapon out next to him in plain sight.

The AK-47 was unloaded, but Teague had a fully loaded magazine in his backpack, along with a gas mask, sources previously told The Post.

His lawyer, Jacqueline Phipps, also said it was possible that her client was naïve about the Big Apple’s gun laws.

“It’s conceivable that a teenager might not understand the complexities of all these laws and the differences in most states and the ways in which laws in all the states coincide,” she said.

She also noted that there was no indication from prosecutors that Teague actually intended to use the weapon.

The district attorney “did not say anything about evidence, suggesting that there is any further evidence, any type of plan to use this, any type of threat to use this, anything of that nature,” Phipps said.

“I am 100 percent sure that if there is any evidence indicating that, the District Attorney’s Office would have presented it,” she added.

It’s unclear why Teague — who faces three felony counts of weapons possession — was in New York with the assault rifle.

He had posted several rants about the city on his Instagram story earlier on Friday, saying “F–k New York!” and complaining about the subway.

...It all fell on deaf ears as the judge ruled that Teague should be remanded into custody at least until his April 22 court date.

She pointed out the lack of explanation about what Teague had been doing inside the subway with the firearm, and noted that a shell casing was found at the scene, according to the criminal complaint.

Remind me again why a teenager can't be trusted to drink but can get his hands on an AK?

How are they supposed to shoot their highschool if they are drunk?

I'm sending thoughts and prayers to breweries given angsty kids are instead spending their pocket money on AR-15s.


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The real crime here is we dont know what was the manufacturer of the AK-47. If it was an American one (fucking trash), then he should be locked away forever.

Let him go if it was a Yugoslav or Czech or real USSR \ Russian one. But I think those are all import banned since 1999 or some shieeeeeeet

fuck you auto jannie. it doesnt like it whenever you do anything like cow SLASH dog , but put / without spaces and u get auto jannied