A New Zealand fruit farm that grows Chinese gooseberries discovered a child sex trafficker will be joining some ranch and they aren't happy about it one bit

1  2021-04-19 by HodorTheDoorHolder__

Can't link to the site but I bet some of you can figure out how to get there yourselves.


Kiwis are gooseberries? what the actual fuck?

It being originated in China never crossed my mind, to be honest.

On the other hand, Chinese would like to think everything good in the world came out of China, so I was trained to ignore the "so and so has Chinese origin" kind of stuff.

Isn't it obvious? They look similar, the taste is very similar. Even the skin is kinda similar in that it's unusually thick in gooseberries and some of them are kinda furry. I take it you're not much of a gooseberry aficionado.

stop gaslighting me!

Trains will be in big trouble if libs ever develop pattern recognition

Also this is the first I'm hearing about this ranch I'll have to give the thread a read

lol tranch drama

I was reading some of the VAST thread on the choo choo ranch, and it is every bit as terrible and fascinating as you could imagine.