America does it again but this time with a 15 year old girl

1  2021-04-20 by TheColdTurtle


Am I just too conditioned by Merica police that I would expect to be shot by police if I was actively trying to assault someone with a deadly weapon in front of them?

Bruh all she was doina was tryna kell nota gurl wit a noiffe. Dat racyss ass punk ass botch cop didntahavtah shot her


I'm looking through the r-Columbus thread and there are a ton of unironic upvoted comments about how this is yet another example of white supremacy and he should have just done a super ninja 360-degrees backflip kick to disarm her like they did for Dylann Roof.

So you're telling me that the cops can't disarm and subdue a 15 year old girl with a knife, and instead kill her but cops can capture, subdue and disarm a shooter (Dylann Roof) ALIVE and take him to Burger King after a days worth of killings? Make it make sense.

America needs a distraction. I never thought I would be yearning for Dick Cheney carnally, but here we are.

Didn't Dylann Roof surrender to the police?

Yeah, they pulled him over the next day and he offered no resistance.

Not that it's really relevant here, but the chick in the video could have destroyed Roof, who was a 120 lbs DYEL at the time of his arrest.

She has the build of an overweight silverback, 10 pasty columbus redditors couldn't subdue her if they tried

You say that like cops arent paid to be built like pasty redditors

That's the point though, no chance those cops were subduing her without weapons

Did you see the pic of the cop that shot her the fucker was built like masterlawlz why are loser nerds paid to be cops

Because nobody else wants to do it.

Yeah. Like most mass shooters, Dylan Roof was a coward.

Look who's back. There's a post wondering where you went.

I managed to sort out the unfortunate misunderstanding. Scrub your history.

capcha? really?

Another reply asking why they can't just shoot the weapon out of her hand like the Ole West.

Why can't the cop just curve the bullet like Wanted

Then why couldn't the girl dodge the bullets like neo?

That's some heckin victim-blaming, sweaty. Let's take a moment to unpack this.

I prefer shooting the hats off their heads.

Can't wait for wokies to argue for bionically advanced cops, capable of shooting the trigger off a gun from 100 yards away.

bionically advanced cops

Critical support for wokies.

are we finally getting robocop!?

unironically fuck yeah if so.

In the future, violent criminals will be shot by social workers. It's called progress, sweaty.

Social worker Dredd when?

Beverly Hills Social Worker

I mean this one seems actually justified. Cop shows up sees someone going after another person with a knife and shoots the person with the knife.

Some people are saying that he just rolled up, got out, and almost immediately shot her. If true, that's not a good look.

Not a good look, but its also not a good look if he rolls up doesn't immediately shoot her and she stabs the other person to death.

A cop shooting someone charging them from 50 feet with a knife when they're wearing a stab vest and haven't tried a taser is one thing, a cop shooting someone while they're already in the processing of swinging a knife at someone who doesn't have a taser or stab vest is something else entirely.

Stab vest isn’t going to do shit if you get stabbed in the neck, and tasers are iffy - charging a cop with a knife will usually get you shot, that shit is an imminent lethal threat.

21 foot rule

I'm not sure the 21 foot rule applies to most of america, sad to say.

Waddling's pretty slow.

Nah dude its like a warthog charge

Once they build up speed they got that momentum factor and even if shot they could keep going.

Once they get the momentum going the impact of their body itself is likely to be fatal

Yeah, I get that. I'm just saying that if he didn't even try to give any warning or a chance for her to drop the knife then that won't look good. Unfortunately, there aren't too many details at the moment.

Imagine you’re being slashed at with a knife. Thankfully, the police show up right in the nick of time. You’re saved! But then they get on the megaphone and start trying to talk your assailant down as they actively stab at you.

edit: wdym there aren’t enough details? There’s bodycam footage. She got perforated when she was in the process of inserting knife into ribs lmao

I made that comment within an hour of it happening. At the time there was just the linked video, as far as I could tell.

Gonna have to see more video, but that's how every viral cop shooting is

I wish more people had this attitude tbh.

I wish people at least waited for the bodycam footage to be released first. This is literally why there was a push for bodycams in the first place just a few years ago, so we can find out for ourselves. I would say more but sadly that would turn this into a longpost.

No make pp big pp tho

Yeah you can totally trust random twittertards for honest accurate details of these things

It's not going to be a good look no matter how it turned out. Might as well go with the easy way out.

The video is up on public freakout. He gets out of the car and she's already trying to stab people and he's yelling at her to stop and she just keeps on trying to stab.

I don't think he had much of a choice.

No. Like I said in another comment. Probably the least egregious of these incidents. This one is full on justified. Unfortunate, sure. Unexpected, not really.

Why in the world would you ever believe that was true?

American police

He was just upset about the Chauvin results.

Rightoids also promised to be more confrontational if they didn't get the verdict they wanted

America is back.

Police need to be less proactive in their response times and wait until they can cordon off an area in order to avoid these types of situations in the future.

Are you saying their weapon of choice should be chalk?

and a notepad to take down relevant information.

That seems to be their policy in Chicago. I don't hear of too many protests there.

No violent crime either!

It’s been Amerikkka since current year - 5 btw

I hate kkk. They wear robes inspired by catholic brotherhoods but they hate catholics. Crusade against US fucking when?



Looks like the deceased girl called the cops

Oof. Riots are back on the menu boys. Even if they release the footage now and it shows she was literally in the act of stabbing someone

Are you a wizard


Bro why didn't they just shoot the knife out of her hand

If cops didn't only shoot to kill like these rslurs want then they'd be killing more people than the chaz militia. It does seem pretty fucked up though, people should have the legal authority to kill anyone who steps onto their property.

The officer should not have had his gun out.

15 year old minecraft stan is an idiot, what a surprise

licensed cosmetologist

The biggest crime here.

EDIT. Those crocs tho

I see two bigger acquittals in that profile pic.

I was gonna give her full pardon but then i saw the poor Photoshop. Then remembered the mantra "no fatties".

titties though

Honestly extremely excited for Robocops that discharge their weapons only at times that are 100% justifiable.

Although I wouldn’t be surprised if they malfunctioned, like those automatic sinks that didn’t detect black people

Too little too late

The dog was unharmed although it will still have to live as a pug

Lol the news thread got deleted by the op cause they made a bunch of r-slurred comments that were contradicted by the body cam footage.

SHE DID NOT STAB THE COP OR EVEN ATTEMPT TO !! She was in a physical fight with another female & pulled a knife out


Police chief moloch could not be reached for comment


Nothing more scary to a cop than a 15 year old especially when you just left highschool to join the force


This country won't last long.

Hah. The irony of the internet. In the 90s I remember fuzzy warm memories of talking to people all over the world! Emails and yahoo chats and shieeet. The future looked so bright - finally you can learn anything, anywhere, you can do anything!

Enter the 2010s and 2020s dark ages. Everyone has unlimited access to the internet. Social media. Stoke tensions. Racial tensions. Political tensions. Sexual tensions (uwu). Hah. Do people really use the internet to learn shit like how it was back in the days? Nah. They use it for pleasure (porn), entertainment, and senseless selfpromotion social media narcissm

anyways yo happy 420 yall XD

This longposting is aids, even to me.

🤗 I didn’t read a single goddamn thing of this. 🤗

Lol ok boomer.

Great 🍝, make more

Social media and it's