Burgerball team posts insensitive tweet about a dead person, wokesportstwitter loses its collective mind

1  2021-04-21 by ohheckyeah


Oh no! Now they're going to lose all the rich, college-educated Republican fans!

edit: after much backlash, they’ve now doubled down by pinning it to the top of their feed lmaooo

Sports blue checks piling on:

MN Timberwolves Director of Content Chiming In:

A reminder that the social media team did not post this on their own. multiple people approved it. that makes it so, so much worse. I cannot believe this was posted.

Ravens’ Editorial Director:

This ain’t it.

Emmanuel Acho:

I keep double checking to see if the @Raiders verified account actually tweeted this.

Torrey Smith (NFL):

Folks get paid to avoid stupid stuff like this smh delete this @Raiders

Isaiah Thomas (NBA):

Ya’ll can’t be serious

Katie Nolan (ESPN):

I understand the bias of recency but I truly believe that raiders tweet is going to the hall.

Darren Rovell:

That this tweet was tweeted is hard to believe. That it has remained up for more than an hour is harder to believe.

Siraj Hashmi:

excuse me, what the fuck?!

Philips Lewis (Huffington Post):

delete this

Tyler Conway (Bleacher Report):

the fact that there were MEETINGS that went into approving this graphic and y’all made it your pinned tweet shows you gotta have the most tone deaf social media staff on the planet

Some other journo:

It always floors me that people still think major multimillion dollar companies hire some inexperienced kid to run their social media accounts. Trust that this is a well-paid person with experience. And please stop with this wrongheaded belief.

Paul Wall (long forgotten rapper):

This is what we don’t do online....🤦‍♂️

Nneka Ogwumike (WNBA player...... yes it still exists):

How do you shoot a ball into the ocean AND MISS?

Darren Rovell

someone stuff this little nerd in a locker

the wnba will exist for as long as it creates good pr and for as long as they can sell those ridiculous multi-colored basketballs.

you know, the ones that look like a creamsicle fucked a maxi-pad

ps how does nobody realize this is about the nfl no longer punishing the use of marijuana?

For a second I saw the 4/20 and thought it was a shitty weed joke

I really don’t think so man

that seems dumb, one hell of a coincidence if not

It would be even dumber if it was

of course. and that particular kind of stupidity seems very plausible, rather than your apparent error in judgement.

Considering the words and the fact that they posted this immediately after the verdict, i think it is 100% to do with the verdict

considering the words and the fact that they posted this on the historically-first day they're allowed to breathe smoke, i suspect it's somewhat less than 100% to do with the verdict.

So you seriously believe this has a dual meaning?... that they would use a man’s dying words to tell the world that NFL players can smoke weed now... at the exact time his killer was found guilty?

i do think that NFL players and organizations are that self-involved and out-of-touch, yes

i know many of them have been waiting for this specific day for a very very long time, consider it a form of personal oppression, and that's all been the case for longer than anything chauvin related

also how have i never noticed your username before? good grief i'm slow

I was going to be mean to you, but you're consistently one of the more naively happy-go-lucky people in here... so I'll just say:

I respectfully disagree

you're consistently one of the more naively happy-go-lucky people in here

Why thank you! I'm glowing now. I need to print this and frame it and put it on my wall.

I tend to think most people believe I'm kind of a cynical jerk.

Honestly, I may be confusing you with TIE_GUY or whatever his name is lol

but maybe not

You probably are thinking of TIE_GUY. I honestly can't figure that guy out. I don't know if he's ESL, actually r-slurred, on heavy drugs, or maybe even playing a character. But he's definitely a breath of fresh air from all the coping and serious doomerposting that has sprung up in the past 6 months.

Yeah I think of him as an optimistic little brother who hasn't been beaten down and made cynical by the real world yet

well fuck you too

he's a real decent dude, but i thought he was relatively new

but i'm bad with names, it's probably on me


Are Twittercels zoomers who are the first to make fun of this really hilarous "Karen " meme have even awareness how do they look when they type something like this

No Kevin, you don't have a PhD in brainfucking advertising because you pop up random buzzwords like "greenlight" or "social media team", also it makes you look like you would like to speak to a manager too

What are you on about? Green lighting is pretty commonly known. And "social media team" isn't even a buzzword.

You just outed yourself, Khiz 😌✌️

Outed myself as what exactly?

holy autism

If you check his profile it brings you to his actual profile where it shows he’s a real estate agent. This guy supplies houses to landchads, he gets a pass.

So you're saying it's the owner class who roam the streets to look out for blue collars hard working prolos (by their low salary) cops to beat them up, interesting times, it's like the tradional lecture of Marxism's verticality of classes doesn't work anymore 😌


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twitter links are blocked? wtf

The Torry Smith url contains an r s/ash. Jc hasn't fixed the stupid bot yet and nobody else has learned to code.

The funny thing is that she made the bot also trigger on "slash" typed with letters for some reason. But putting \b before the "r" was too much effort. Replace "r" with %72.

Wait, so like www.reddit.com/%72/all ?


Our jannies' incompetence is both the problem and the solution.



nice catch


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Rslashetarded bot

Auto jannies smh. Fucking hell man!

Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


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