Another day, another Kevin Durant fiasco. Despite being a man who loves to switch it up both on the court and Twitter, he makes the rookie error of not switching back to his burner account when liking a post about Steph Curry.

1  2021-04-21 by busslordlowkeybussin


I love Kevin Durant

By far my favorite nba player. A drama goldmine just because he's a famous person who acts like a normal poster

Head over to r nba for the thread discussing this.


Kendrick Perkins being really weird about Steph Curry

KD is great for drama. He just had that funny spat with Michael Rappaport too, but it got buried by 50 gaetz agenda posts.

Lol yeh that was my post. Love me some KDrama.

We'd be lost without you.


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Another day, another Kevin Durant f... -,*

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