After some thot makes a literal good morning post, the usual neckbeards, thots, Geraldoposters and assortment of vermin that inhabit Twitter come to do battle.

1  2021-04-22 by busslordlowkeybussin


Her stomach looks great and then things just get worse and worse the further up or down you go from there

You're so used to femburgers that a not-fat stomach arouses you.

I hate how true this statement is.

Eh, it does look like she has some abs, that definitely took a lot of work. I'm just not sure why she didn't spend any of that time on her legs

Heluva honker there

And not even the hot jewess schnoz, but the bulbous sniffer of an alcoholic.

Yeah girl is the definition of "looking good at first glance".

Was gonna say the body is banging but it's a butterface.

remember back when thots would post online and you'd jerk off to them and then never think about it again

capitalism ruined cooming

State mandated girlfriends now! The only thing we have to lose is our chains comrade!

By Allah, I have encountered cases of cancer caused directly by pictures posted on social media accounts.

What is the cure for such disorders? Beatings.

This, but unironically.

So it seems. So it seems.

How can he pass on this???

i was gonna say, she looks kinda beat

We don't agree often, but yeah, she has that recovered meth-head vibe. Definitely a narcissist too.

i also mean literally, she got a bunch of bruises on her in the twitter link


Yeah they said womxn.

Meh, I'm not an incel so I don't lump all women into one category.


By allah you will taste my shoes before I suck your cock.

The order doesn’t matter much to me tbh

end of the bar gal tbh

none of us would say no, but she's far too ugly to be famous for her looks

I think I would have to be hammered to the point where my dick wouldn't work, so pass by technicality?

I just assumed she was hot based on the caption without taking a closer look at her. But she really isn't attractive. She's got a fucked up El goblina face

Lmao, she looks like the wow goblin

She's not hot enough to be that confident

I'm willing to look past a lot of shitty personality traits if there's one really good one, like bullying.

Internet has made 4s thinks they are 40s.

I'm glad I don't know who any of these people are.


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