The Impractical Jokers hit it big by franchising off their show to an Iraqi paramilitary group. The show involves ISIS fighters playfully entrapping Iraqi celebrities; fun for the whole family guaranteed.

1  2021-04-22 by busslordlowkeybussin



Oh man remember when Reddit insisted on calling ISIS this to really stick it to them?

Lmao NeoGAF was all in that too. Someone would say ISIS and just get mobbed by people going DAESH! DAESH! Until somebody came along and pointed out that “daesh” is literally just the Arabic word for them and it was only being pushed to hide the “Islamic.”

Lol yeh Reddit's moral crusades are so dumb. Remember when Reddit found the Boston Bomber?

Or the fph hate sub being banned cuz of Ellen Pao but it really was someone else instead

i still have my well done, faceless mob! challenge coin

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. The Impractical Jokers hit it big b... -,*

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Dailymail article for the more cultured dramanauts

Clip from the show

Seems like this is just Iraqi humor as seen in this fake bomb prank from an Iraqi reality tv show made 10 years ago.

Imagine not linking the full traumatic prank :

If you pay me $0/hr this is the amount of effort you get from me. No refunds.


Man I thought I had some dark humor.