Reportin hatin ass bitches. Yesterday, you only saw one master titty well now you see two master titties, you reportin hatin ass bitches.

1  2021-04-22 by Lysis10


The look on the son's face tells me he was the one who had to apply the tiddy tape.

Those fat tiddies gave him the 1000 lard stare

What the fucking fuck is this glorious shit and how can I permanently subscribe to it?

It's from maybe 2-3 years ago where the black lady in the wheelchair showed her boob on Facebook and someone reported her. She got temp banned and came back with this video. lmao It's my favorite video in the whole world.

Is there more? Does she have a patreon or something?

lmao I wish! I only got the video from youtube rather than facebook. I wish I knew her fb id (not asking for this so please don't dox...the fact that I have to say this to appease badmins makes me mad).

Lmao not sure why but it gets even funnier when she lifts them up and shows the under side.

NGL, the daughter is pretty hot.

She got her genes though, so she's a time bomb.

why isnt she mod already

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. Reportin hatin ass bitches. Yesterd... -,*

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Are her kids mannequins?