A video of a disabled ytboi paying the prison tax gets uploaded to AckshuallyPublicFreakouts by ytboi's brother (OP). OP asks everyone to contact the prison to report the abuse and posts a GoFundMe link for prison ytboi. Plot twist: ytboi went to prison for... you already know πŸ‘ΆπŸ» πŸŽ₯

1  2021-04-22 by HodorTheDoorHolder__

Check my profile


but eventually you may end up at realizing something truly heinous, like there being little good evidence to prove sexuality itself being intrinsically harmful to childhood, for any stage. wouldn't want to progress like that against the hysteria that exists, heavens forbid we end up with serious social progression over increasing societal intimacy or something like that. god save our souls if that were to ever pass.

yes FBI, this one right here

If only. The only thing the FBI does is groom rslurs to be terrorists, hand them fake bombs, and then arrest them.

t. r-slur the FBI tried grooming


good point

Oh damn, i remember that. I always wondered what would happen, and i thought it would just be forgotten. This is a lot worse!

It's a good sub.

Ironically I’m banned from there but not from PublicFreakouts

That's actually funny. What did you get banned for?

I made fun of someone on the sub and the mod didn't like it. Basically I acted like I was still on this sub.

lol lrn2codeswitch rslur

It's an easy mistake to make. The bait can be intense at times.

the pettiness of rightoid fragility know's no bounds.

Dramatards are the most oppressed minority on the internet 😞


Was it by any chance a mod who's name starts with a B and rhymes with Seethy?

That rightoid's takes are pretty funny, The same way watching a monkey eating its own facies at the zoo is funny.

Nah it wasn't a rightoid mod. It was an apolitical powermod and they just unbanned me for this post lol.

And a good show!


lol grifter grits dumbass GFM dummies and the r-slur is a nonce. Why are r-slurs always nonces?

Well we know why the videos got uploaded to Facebook now lol

Imagine being a 17 year old sending lewd snaps to this guy of all people. Damn that girl must have some serious self esteem issues.

children aren't known for thinking things out.

being a 17 year old

some armchair detectives discovered that the kid would have had to be much younger for him to end up with federal charges

This happens when you have bad paperwork. Once people find a pedo in there it is a free game.

I'm supposed to care some pedo got beat up in prison?

ytboi went to prison for

Why is this the case every fuckin time?

That thread is a gold mine, pedo apologists, can black people be racist to mayos discussions, r-slur haters and the OP purposefully being misleading about why he was in prison.

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. A video of a disabled ytboi paying ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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