[YAAAAAS KWEEN!!!] Caitlyn Jenner says she will run for governor of California

1  2021-04-23 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Time for rightoids to spring their trap card, Mirror Force. Tell the wokies that it’s tphobic if they don’t vote for her.


That short period when leftoids where splurging all over Caitlyn and then she came out as a rightoid. God that was good Drama.

We need a Nazitrain so that leftoids see it as a wash.

Lol I did not know she came out as a rightoid! Please do tell

Nah I don’t generally listen to what stupid shit celebs say but this is fucking funny lmao

When's the next dino post?

When I’m bored and don’t have important crap I gotta do

This is important.

What could be more important than dino posting?

A job


>not knowing every minute detail of every vaguely relevant tslur

Are you even a drama user


Always has been.

I love Bill Burr's commentary on her

based and Yu-Gi-Oh pilled

I’ve seen it’s gotten relatively popular again with people that played as kids, like Pokémon. Trading cards in general seem to be hot right now.

I haven’t touched the game since it came out and I was like 10/11 years old. But holy fuck one of the first holo cards I pulled was a Mirror Force and it fucked up all the kids on my block I used to play against. They’d get stacked, and I would bait them into a full on attack to end me that turn. And I’d flip it over when they went to attack me and whip my dick out as I destroy their field.

For that reason I will never forget that card when it comes to YuGiOh.

In your head did you feel like Yu-Gi-Oh!

It was the first time I shidded n fardded n came at the same time tbh

I can only imagine what the power of blue eyes white dragon feels like


I’ve seen it’s gotten relatively popular again with people that played as kids, like Pokémon. Trading cards in general seem to be hot right now.

Funny enough a dude I’m friends with, who got bored in quarantine and was working his real job from home, decided to be a reseller as a side income of sets and stuff for Pokémon cards, etc. he’s made like 15k profits off of just buying cards and reselling them in sets in like the last 6 months. An extra 15k in 6 months is pretty good for side business that’s just sorted and shippin

trap card


Ohh my god she hired the dude who got fired from Trump's campaign for embezzlement ahahaha.

This is a GOOD look for California.

Buckle up buckaroo!

Imagine the seethe if the first train governor is Republican.

Knock on wood but something tells me that even if she does end up running, she's going to lose.

I wish her luck but I cannot in good conscious support a woman governor.

I wouldn't discount her so quickly. I think Jenner might have the balls to be the next Margret Thatcher.

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. [YAAAAAS KWEEN!!!] Caitlyn Jenner s... - archive.org, archive.today*

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What are the chances she wins?

the same that she's biologically female


Bruh, do you even California?

California is happy to elect sane republicans, which is why we had Arnold. But that was also the last time GOP ran a sane Republican.

I miss the Governator and he wasnt even in charge of my state

Arnold was solid, I voted for him twice, and would be happy to vote him in as potus if that was ever an option.

Imagine another Reagan presidency, but better in wvery way.

The dream as a centroid

I did like his veto messages, they even inspired some poetry.

Few snowflakes forage.

Italian ices adventure.

Great deluges relieve.

Great tempests arrest.

Extratropical cyclones fog.

Recent sastrugi flurry.

Natural spates toilet.

Angry tempests flood.

Giant sastrugi trace.

Greatest tempests research.

Occasional cyclones avalanche.

Tiny tornados find.

Stunning AND brave.

I would like to see caitlyn win the gold in the women's heptathlon in the Olympics at 70 yo thereby achieving a victory for trains and senior citizens

So if this is just like the Gray recall who is she the equivalent of? If I recall we had larry flynt, porn stars, all sorts of fun names last time.

I'd say she's the fusion of Gary Coleman and Mary Carey.

Finally someone to bring some class back into politics.

Seeing Alyssa Milano seethe was worth it.

Yeah. This was during the whole Kourtney(?) picture scandal.

Kris Jenner is the Bill Clinton of the two; Caitlyn Jenner's is Hillary Clinton

Dramacoin to the moon baby let's go.


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Queen shit.