Class actions. Get your class actions here. $0 paid jennies worth $160k/year fail at their high-paid job.

1  2021-04-26 by Lysis10


🙏 Please trigger the reddit porn ban 🙏

I can leave this site in peace if the coomers get BTFOd before we do 🙌

Still can't believe we beat Donald and chapotraphouse

This is actually a good excuse for them to do a pornhub like spring cleaning.

Only cu(k porn allowed.

snallygaster BLACKED when?

I want momrupari (sic) back.


All the good people are gone. This place is now just a retirement community reminiscing about the good old days.


Is 🏴‍☠️drama’s final form geriatric and reminiscent metaposting? I sure hope not, but I suspect so.

Dae member animutations. Good times. Crack sip.

No need to suspect. You can see it daily.

Nothing to do, nowhere else to go


I would literally give my life savings for this

They prob let it slide waiting for one of these as an excuse

After what happened to Tumblr, highly unlikely. The most I expect to come out of this is a purge of any iffy porn subs and maybe a sitewide policy change requiring verification for posting pics on porn subs.

What happened to tumblr? I genuinely didn’t care after the drama hit

TL;DR They completely blocked porn because Apple did not want to allow their app on iOS because of it. This lead to a mass exodus (mostly to reddit, which explains a lot of things) ans Tumblr is pretty much dead now.

But is tumblr really dead now? Or didnthey reach their goal to sanitize it.

Apparently the user base dropped a lot but it’s still kicking. And most of them went to Twitter, not reddit, which is why Twitter sucks.


They already blocked titties from all, so why the hell not!

Shut the fuck up boomer. People need pornhub in their lives. If pornhub was to shut down, tens of thousands would take their lives because they'd have no reason to live. Porn is some people's lives and others may say that they have no lives, but at least its better than what u do

Its what the left and right want tbh


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Dramacoin hodl

lul the lawsuit mentions a rdrama thread

lmao shit what page? I skimmed through the lawsuit docs to see if I recognized any subs but didn't see anything I recognized.

Page 28 at the bottom. We're in the big leagues now boys and girls.

This is amazing. A drama thread gets a mention in a lawsuit against reddit. We about to get y'all'd but our TERF thread could help be the end of reddit. It's like a Shakespearean poem. Et tu, brute. Fuck you, we gonna fuck you up then.

We about to get y'all'd

Maybe. Maybe not. Banning and deleting the sub referenced in a lawsuit against you which would remove access to the reference is probs a horrible legal move.

I agree, but we're talking about people who made the decision to hire the admin who must not be named.

OP of that comment is still active. Some should tell him to edit his comment with this copy pasta.

Makes you wonder, does this make us immune to the uberjannies? Can we bring back pinging and stuff and they can’t ban us because it would be deleting references in a lawsuit? 🤔

lol no

Only one way to find out

shit smearing posting might end up in the supreme court one day

Page 28 as footnote

lmao a TERF thread too. Stabbing at the very heart of the powermods and jannies.

And our dear jannies literally posting shit.

Several posts have indicated that Reddit will not remove problematic subreddits unless they gain media or celebrity attention, or if Reddit receive legal documentation. One post, dated June 14, 2018, contained a list of “problematic subreddits,’ several of which claim to feature “young looking” subjects in a sexualized context.39 (we are footnote 39)


39 The original post has been deleted, but it has been preserved as a comment at *redditDrama/***trfs_are_trying_to_ban_pornog raphy_off_of_reddit/**

Link to the lawsuit if anyone wants to find the link themselves.

Basically used Drama as an archive, we are preserving valuable information inshallah

I'd also recommend taking a look at the thread just to see how far we've fallen. Pinging and linking galore 😔 😔 😔

It’s been a good one lads 💪✊

used Drama as a glorified archive

If this sub was going to end up in official court records, this was probably best case scenario.

Good lad.

Hope they make a paid version of Reddit to pay for real jannies and end up ruining the platform. That's for taking away linking and pinging.

SomethingAwful did it at a time when the Internet hadn't been completely gentrified by normies yet and a paid model had a large of enough base to sustain itself. That Internet is all but a distant memory 😭

Just realized a few other subs got named for letting mods violate rules (lol)...source on 27/28 point 92:

"Claims of moderator abuse are well documented in several subreddits, including rrrrrrrModsbeingdicks (lmao), rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrWatchredditdie, and rrrrrrrrSubredditcancer. Many of these posts identify seemingly arbitrary behavior by moderators that violate the Moderator Guidelines"

How young and naive I once was to not take a dick pic at 17-years old get it posted here by "my girlfriend" for lawsuit settlement 💰💰💰

I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Class actions. Get your class actio... -,*

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The lawsuit apparently argues Jane Doe’s case meets that definition because Reddit’s advertising revenue turned the video into a “commercial sex act.”

If reddit just continued to not raise revenue they'd be safe.


no more bee-girl noods i guess

It blows my mind how places like reddit, twitter, youtube are so out of touch. Like it would not be hard to implement a control to prevent this. At the same time gov intervention is needed and I think there are laws against posting this. Which then makes me question the civil aspect, has she pursued anything in criminal court? Going forwards what's to stop people from doing this to engage in frivolous lolsuits.