Former senator Rick Santorum admits white people have no culture then flexes on natives by saying they have even less. Twitter is not thrilled.

1  2021-04-26 by busslordlowkeybussin


Is he wrong? I don't think I know of any native cultural traditions much less any that were integrated into American culture. I'm sure they exist I just don't think their influence is that large.

I don't think I know of any native cultural traditions much less any that were integrated into American culture

uh gambling and smoking the peace pipe.....?

Headdresses were popular at music festivals half a decade ago

How about corn, tobacco, potatoes, pumpkins, tomatoes?


Just imagine all the thousands of things you could list from other cultures before needing to descend into a shopping list of vegetables that happen to be native to the region.


These people think that eating crops from somewhere else means you're integrating their culture? I bet most Americans much less Europeans know which continent their crops are originally from because noone cares.

The only real lasting impacts brought up in this thread are placenames and sports (lacrosse/hockey).

I bet most people still think that potatoes come from Europe, that is just how little people care where crops originally come from

I know on a rational level that tomatoes are from America but it's easy to imagine that Italy always has had them.

As a patriot I eat only cabbage soup. Osteoporosis just like our forefathers intended.

is eating corn and tomatoes considered cultural appropriation?

Just like riding a horse and using a boomstick while ripped on firewater

Or perhaps the very idea of a federal union, modelled on the Six Nations of the Iroquois?

Twitter and it's consequences...


Does anyone except for super rich mayos give a shit about lacrosse? Even Natives don’t give a fuck about it

Does anyone except for super rich mayos give a shit about lacrosse?

Butch L*sbians

Central and South American natives were unified and contributed significantly to the cultural makeup of modern Latin America.

The North Americans natives were largely killed off by disease and ethnic cleansings.

So Mr. Santorum isn't entirely wrong, even if he is kind of a dick.

🦅🏈 was revolutionized by the guys at Carlisle. Before that, 🏈 was basically two teams of meatheads plowing into each over and over.

I listened to a great podcast about that Indian school. Their schemes were the epitome of "There's nothing in the rulebook that says a dog can't play football!"

Other trick plays innovated by the Carlisle Indians cannot be used because the NCAA instituted rules specifically prohibiting them after Carlisle used them


Harvard executed the kick, and the Indians formed a circle around the returner. With the aid of a specially altered jersey, the ball was placed up the back of the returner. The Indians broke the huddle and spread out in different directions. Each player feigned carrying the ball, except Dillon, the man with the ball up the back of his jersey. The ruse confused the Crimson players, and they scrambled to find the ball carrier. Dillon, with both his hands free, was ignored by the searching Harvard players, and he ran unmolested into the end zone.


As opposed to now where it is two teams of meatheads destroying their brains over and over

Yeah, but now they throw the ball

Is he wrong?

No. Even a lot of native groups don't have much "native culture" anymore.

I don’t think I know of any native cultural traditions much less any that were integrated into American culture.

I wonder why🤔

Mmm. It's good to see he's aging into a Mitch McConnell. Turtle part deux when?

It's like that thing where crabs keep re-evolving when they go extinct. When Mitch dies, Rick will climb to a corner of the ceiling, spin a cocoon of silk and mucus, and after a couple of silent weeks emerge in his chinless, bruisy final form.

Fuckin Rick Santorum tries to bury his alma mater as hard as possible, huge rightoid cøpě. This is peak white culture, motherfuckers 💪🏻💪🏻

👏🏻 WE 👏🏻 ARE

take me back

We've got another Nittany Dramanaut on here? Nice. You'd be the third! (afaik)

No, I'm not a pedophile. I was referring to going to college during that time period.

"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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What about Camping ?

is there any Native American culture in American culture

Nope we burned that out and sterilized it

I'm sorry, did he say something about the birth of a nation there? 🤔

Always amusing to see why the pilgrims weren't allowed to practice their faith on an already extremely christian continent. Turns out nobody likes puritans and burning them is fun.