👀'ing my own comment from earlier today. Just said what everyone is thinking about Academy Awards, that are fading into irrelevance.

1  2021-04-26 by SandorClegane_AMA

👀'ing my own comment from earlier today. Just said what everyone is thinking about Academy Awards, that are fading into irrelevance. 👀'ing my own comment from earlier today. Just said what everyone is thinking about Academy Awards, that are fading into irrelevance. 👀'ing my own comment from earlier today. Just said what everyone is thinking about Academy Awards, that are fading into irrelevance.


Did someone get downvoted and is mad about it? 😂

I got downvoted and other people just got angrier about it.

I'm certain that sub is 90 percent marketing at this point.

Feels like they didn't do that much for Chadwick Boseman? Bit disappointing overall, felt like they held the ceremony because they had to, and it all felt very jilted and maybe even a little rushed? Strange vibe this year.

Literally had a golden statue of this dudes head.

Trump's statue, George's coffin, and Boseman's head. A golden trifecta for the last twelve months.

I'm going to re-watch the Marvel Cinematic Universeâ„¢ by Disneyâ„¢ in his honor! I will happily subscribe to Disney+â„¢ streaming service for this, starting at $14.99/month, it's a steal! Who's with me, my fellow Redditors!

Award ceremonies have always been peak snooze.

I didn't watch a single movie that released last year lol

The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. 👀'ing my own comment from earlier t... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Mmm that was some nice kino movie nerd seethe

Next openly troll or mock red letter media